‘Don’t allow armed banditry, kidnappings, others plunge Nigeria into crisis’

Civil rights activist and former Senator representing Kaduna Central Zone, Shehu Sani has said that while the criminal activities of armed bandits in the country is indefensible, however the violence unleashed on herders in the South East and South West should be condemned.

He also lampooned those in positions of power who exploit the present security challenges in the country to cause mayhem for Nigeria citizens. Sani in a statement yesterday explained that state governors in both zones must not outsource security matters to individuals and groups who act outside of the law. Sani who warned against the level of deteriorating security situation in Nigeria said a democratic state must learn to balance its security exigencies with its moral and constitutional obligations to protect the rights of the people.
“Killer herdsmen and bandits engaging in rape, kidnapping and arson deserve punishment but profiling Fulani’s and unleashing violence against them is unacceptable and condemnable.” 

Warning those in authority and others in dividing Nigerians on ethnic lines and plunging the country into crisis, he said ethnic supremacists must not be allowed to exploit us and destroy the country in the guise of fighting herdsmen, saying “you can’t bring in snakes to chase out rats in your house.”


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