Don’t compromise ongoing drug war, Marwa charges new NDLEA officers

Representative of Chairman of National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) Col. Yakubu Bako Rtd. (2nd left), inspecting the passing out parade of trainees of Narcotic Assistants Course 4/2021 of NDLEA in Jos… yesterday. PHOTO: NAN

The Chairman/Chief Executive, National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), Brig. Gen. Mohamed Buba Marwa (rtd) has warned newly trained officers of the anti-narcotic body of the consequences of compromising the renewed war against drug abuse and trafficking in Nigeria.

Marwa, who gave the warning, yesterday, during the passing out parade of 2,000 narcotic assistants at the NDLEA Academy, Jos, Plateau state, charged them to beware of inducement in the line of duty.

His words: “It is pertinent that I repeat at this occasion the advice I gave those who were ahead of you, beware of the lure of filthy lucre. As you perform your duty, there will be inducement and calculated efforts to derail you by drug traffickers, fixers and barons.

“Never compromise! Do not forget that society needs protection from these bad actors, and any failure in your duty can directly or indirectly jeopardise society, including your family. Hence, every encounter with the illicit drug underworld should be a moment of strength and not a moment of weakness.”

Reminding the new officers of the steps taken in the past 12 months to reposition the agency for effectiveness, he said they were coming on board at the right time.

The NDLEA boss, represented by his Special Adviser, Col. Yakubu Bako (rtd) also said: “As the saying goes, to whom much is given, much is expected. NDLEA has raised its standard. The bars of work ethics, discipline and performance have been raised to make our work very competitive.

“To this extent, you are coming in at a time the agency has become a place for achievers and not laggards. So, you must know that NDLEA is not a place for indolence. We are a goal-oriented organisation and every officer is to contribute his share to the attainment of organisational goals. You can all revel in the fact that we reward performance.”


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