Dr Freeman Osonuga: A trailblazer in business growth, empowerment, and propTech innovation

OsonugaDr Freeman Osonuga is a Nigerian medical doctor, entrepreneur, and investor who has significantly impacted various fields, including proptech innovation. Alongside his successful career, Dr Osonuga has authored two books, “Print Money With Zero Capital” and “The Business Game,” which offer valuable insights into business growth and stepping outside comfort zones.

In addition to his achievements, Dr Osonuga is a visionary leader in the proptech industry. He envisions Pilla as a leading proptech bank for the African and global markets of real estate investors, builders, and renters. Pilla’s mission is to provide real estate-focused financial services and products through innovation and technology, bridging the gap between traditional banking and real estate users.

PropTech Hub Africa Inc., led by Dr Osonuga, is an innovative organisation that uses technology to deliver digital solutions to real estate sector challenges.

PropTech Hub Africa Inc. specialises in infrastructure finance, property development and management, consumer property protection, and investment opportunity management.

Dr Osonuga’s vision for PropTech Hub Africa Inc. is to become the most sought-after and largest ecosystem of proptech companies in Africa. Their studio, ecosystem content, and community initiatives aim to advance technology and innovation in the real estate and construction industries. They create an authentic forum for startup building, candid conversations, knowledge sharing, and community building.

Dr Osonuga is engaged in an intriguing aeronautics project in addition to his activities in the proptech sector. Together with Ajayi Oluwatobi, they are developing and operating an unmanned aircraft using flight remote control. This initiative not only puts Nigeria on the map of innovation but also offers enormous chances and potential in the areas of logistics, defence, and aviation. His remarkable achievements and unwavering dedication inspire aspiring entrepreneurs and business professionals not only in Nigeria but also worldwide.
