Dredgers condemn move to undermine investigation into fish mortality in Epe

fish farmers

The Dredgers Association of Nigeria (DAN) has condemned actions by fish farmers in Epe, which is undermining the ongoing investigation into the mortality of Tilapia fish by the Minerals and Environmental Management Committee (MIREMCO).

The association alleged that the fish farmers have made premature and unsubstantiated claims in the media, particularly targeting its member, Renecon Limited, with what it describes as a smear campaign.

A peace meeting was held three weeks ago in Alausa, Ikeja, to discuss the fish mortality issue, allegedly linked to dredging activities near the farms.
The meeting was attended by stakeholders, including the dredgers association, Renecon Limited, Epe tilapia fish farmers, and representatives from state and federal environmental agencies.

The General Secretary of DAN, Richard Ntan, expressed concern that despite the absence of evidence linking dredging to the fish deaths, some media reports have unjustly blamed Renecon Limited.

He mentioned that the committee is investigating the matter and has requested all parties to refrain from public accusations and wait for the investigation’s conclusion.

Ntan criticised the fish farmers for using underhanded tactics and warned of potential legal actions against them for spreading false narratives without scientific evidence, aiming to protect the reputation of Renecon Limited. He also accused some individuals of trying to derail the peace process and endangering Renecon Limited’s staff and property through incitement.

The association stated it would not hesitate to take legal action against those spreading false narratives without scientific backing. The dredgers association called for a judicious resolution and warned against the consequences of public defamation and disrupting peace efforts.

Ntan highlighted how false media stories have incited public sentiment against the dredging company, potentially endangering its staff and operations.

He reaffirmed Renecon Limited’s commitment to cooperating with the investigation and urged for patience until its conclusion, asserting that the company operates within regulatory guidelines and has been a responsible entity in Lagos’s dredging community.

The association, however, urged the committee to recognise the breach of peace commitments by the fish farmers and to hold them accountable for any potential violence or damage to Renecon’s property and equipment.


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