Driving organisational performance through the new TRACS Concept

It is a very common and age-long saying that everything can be improved upon or even completely transformed. What is apparently not commonly known and agreed upon is the right approach to achieving such performance game-changes, especially in the organisational setting.

It is for this reason that PROSELL Consulting’s introduction of a positively disruptive approach to organisational performance transformation that has been aptly directed at the global community should be seen as a highly welcome development. The discovery in question here is what the firm has termed the ‘inimitable TRACS Concept’.

TRACS is an acronym for Transactional Acuities and the term refers to special or rarefied abilities by which anyone rightfully informed could transform organisational as well as individual results or performance with relative ease and at a surprisingly very short time. All these are made possible through the creative management of the Messages (technically called Transactions) within and between individuals and also between various units of an organisation, hence the term, ‘Transactional’; which they said, should not be confused with the often negatively represented depiction of the word as implying ‘quickly-transient’.

Many performance improvement initiatives could be out there but the TRACS Concept’s approach is outrightly novel, unique and completely transformational in many ways. Unlike others whose main focus is on ‘How-to’ and ‘What to’, TRACS’ main essence is its unwavering attention on the quality or authenticity of the individual and his intra and inter-personal Messages.

From the TRACS perspective, though exposing managers to skills on ‘What to’ and ‘How to’ is very vital and should actually be a continuous exercise, that importance pales in significance to that of the inner and outer workings of the individual so engaged in these activities. In fact, the concept clearly posits that paying much attention to the ‘How to’ without an even superior askance to the ‘Who’ is akin to the proverbial forcing of a horse to the stream and at such will always lead to sub-optimal results, no matter the organisation, no matter the industry and no matter in which part of the world it is operating.

Other derivatives of the TRACS Concept’s focus on the quality or authenticity of the ‘Who’, the essential individual, include its ability to create and nurture High Productivity Environments (HPEs) across an organisation, reconfiguration of mindsets and operational paradigms, liberation of managers at all levels from the often-self-inflicted tendencies that constrain their abilities to constantly get the best from the resources available to them. The TRACS Concept also encourages continuous innovation by unleashing the creative energies of the entire workforce. Along the same trajectory, it opens people’s eyes to better ways of utilizing existing opportunities, unveils opportunities that have been blind-sided and inspires managers to even create new opportunities that they never imagined to be possible.

Another dimension to the beauty of this TRACS Concept is its non-restrictive nature. It is therefore said to work irrespective of the location, industry, organisation and a manager’s profession, function, position or elevation, gender, religion, race or even current level of performance. Thus, due to this universal applicability, its promoters have aptly branded it a 360-degree Performance Transformation elixir.

From our findings to date, the TRACS Concept seems to be the only performance transformation concept out of Africa that has got a fully dedicated website to itself. That is very commendable and a something that should give top organisational decision-makers across the world enough confidence to eagerly patronise it. It is also highly recommended by its special benefits.

It is also said that its acclaimed potency is largely independent of virtually all externalities; as a manager can completely implement its requisite tenets no matter what any other person beyond his immediate desk or jurisdiction does. That should be really remarkable and a formidable armour that every manager in every reputable organisation should hurriedly acquire or get imbued with; especially in these trying times.

It is because of the significance of the foregoing that PROSELL Consulting has created the TRACS Executive Retreats as a vehicle for the full delivery of the beauties of this disruptive concept to organisations around the globe as well as their managers at all levels.

The TRACS Executive Retreats have been designed as highly intensive drills through which managers could be creatively and excitingly imbued with all the transformational insights, precepts, skills and new paradigm-shift imperatives that the concept delivers. There are various Key-Focus Areas from which an organisation or a manager could choose based on the most vital need. These include TRACS for Transformational Leadership, TRACS for Team Performance Transformation, TRACS for Business Units Transformation and TRACS for Enhanced Managerial Effectiveness.

Reportedly, the results emanating from these TRACS Executive Retreats have been quite amazing and highly sustainable. Little wonder the promoters feel emboldened to continue their challenge-mantra to the corporate world that no matter how well an organisation or any of its divisions, departments, branches and other units are doing at any point in time that they can be gotten to perform even better with the novel TRACS Executive Retreats.

Deploying a coterie of over twelve status diagnostics, the Retreats are also said to offer managers detailed insights into various aspects of the state of affairs within and around them to levels far deeper and much more diverse than they could have ever imagined.

The world is passing through very challenging times. Businesses are struggling, resources are getting scarcer, disposable incomes are going down, markets are shrinking across several industries, operational costs are going up and competition is also getting stiffer by the day. At times like this, organisations need the TRACS Executive Retreats more than ever before to enable their managers open up their minds and eyes to new and better ways of utilizing existing resources and opportunities as well as creating new ones for their businesses. It is a sure path for any organisation that really wants to keep ahead of the pack in its industry.

For proactive organisations that want to curb, mitigate or prevent the incidence of aberrant behaviours that could blunt their ability to compete or perform optimally, the TRACS Executive Retreats concept is the best bet for a quantum leap in overall performance.

From all indications, the TRACS Concept is an assured game changer and those organisations that act as early-adopters will be able to see the difference it could bring to their businesses and then they will happily join in the litany of the TRACS Unusual Feats.

As the promoters said, they enjoy the spectacle of hearing excited beneficiaries happily calling in to scream, “It works! It works! Men, the TRACS Concept works!
