DSS alerts Labour of plans to disrupt protest, cause crisis

The Department of State Services (DSS) has revealed that there are plans by certain elements to use the planned protest by the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) to cause crisis in the country.

Last Friday, the NLC announced that it would hold a two-day nationwide protest over the hardship being experienced by Nigerians.

NLC President, Joe Ajaero, disclosed during a press briefing in Abuja that the protest will begin a week after the expiration of the 14-day ultimatum it issued to the Federal Government which will expire on February 23.

The planned days for the nationwide protest are February 27 and 28.

Commenting on the planned strike, DSS warned that if it eventually holds, it might worsen the socio-economic situation across the country.

The Service explained that while it recognises such action as the legitimate right of the labour movement, it, however, urges the body to shelve the plan in the interest of peace and public order.

It called on parties to pursue dialogue and negotiation rather than engaging in conduct that could heighten tensions.

Also, it stated that appropriate authorities are working with stakeholders to fashion out modalities to address the current difficulties.


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