Economic hardship: Omoniyi writes Senate, urges suspension of non-essential projects

A United Kingdom-based data scientist, Adewale Omoniyi, has asked the state governors in the country to suspend all non-essential capital projects and channel their efforts and resources on eradicating hunger.

Omoniyi, who has authored many books on data and statistics in Africa, said the current situation in Nigeria deserves critical and deliberate action plan devoid of politics and partisanship, adding that any nation that cannot feed her citizens is sitting on a keg of gunpowder.

In an open letter addressed to the President of the Senate, Senator Godswill Akpabio and made available to journalists, Omoniyi urged the lawmakers to prevail on state governors to reallocate funds and redirect priorities towards food security initiatives.

According to the Ogun State-born renowned entrepreneur and philanthropist, such mandate from the lawmakers will enable the country to avert the looming anarchy.

The letter reads in part: “As we navigate through these turbulent times, it has become increasingly evident that we stand at a critical juncture where history warns us of the potential consequences of inaction.

“The spectre of hunger looms large over our nation, threatening the very fabric of our society. In the face of such adversity, we must confront this crisis head-on.

“I would like for the distinguished members of the Senate to recognize the gravity of the situation and to swing into action quickly. We cannot afford to wait idly by while our fellow citizens suffer from hunger and deprivation.

“It is incumbent upon us to take proactive measures to alleviate our people’s suffering and ensure their basic needs are met. In light of the foregoing, I propose that the Senate take immediate steps to address the root causes of hunger in our nation.

“One such measure would be to mandate the Governors to halt all non-essential capital projects and instead focus their efforts and resources on eradicating hunger.

“By reallocating funds and redirecting priorities towards food security initiatives, we can make significant strides towards alleviating the suffering of our people.”

Omoniyi, who is a PhD Scholar in Artificial Intelligence at the University of Bradford in the United Kingdom, also advised the Senate to consider the establishment of a school lunch programme for all students.

“I propose establishing a nationwide school lunch programme to provide nutritious meals to all students nationwide, including those enrolled in tertiary institutions. Given the susceptibility of tertiary students to exploitation by unscrupulous actors, it is imperative to safeguard their welfare.

“Ensuring that every student, irrespective of educational level, has access to nourishing food alleviates hunger and fosters a secure atmosphere conducive to learning.

“I implore the Senate to heed the call of duty and prioritise our people’s welfare above all else. The time for action is now, and the stakes could not be higher. Let us unite in solidarity and resolve to build a nation where no citizen goes to bed hungry, and every child has the opportunity to thrive,” he said.


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