ECOWAS to confer democracy icon award on Buhari

President Muhammadu Buhari.

President Muhammadu Buhari will be conferred the democracy icon award by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

The award is to honour President Buhari in recognition of his achievements in the defence and promotion of democracy as a system of government throughout the sub-region as he prepares to leave office upon the conclusion of his two-term tenure.

ECOWAS chairman and President of Guinea Bissau, Umaro Sissoco Embalo, said this on Tuesday at a bilateral meeting with the president on the sidelines of the ongoing 5th United Nations Conference on Least Developed Countries in Doha, Qatar.

Embalo noted that Buhari had done more than any other leader to support democratic governments in West Africa, just as he had done exceptionally well, waging battles against the emergence of non-democratic regimes.

He added that the award recognises Buhari’s achievements in the defence and promotion of democracy as a system of government throughout the sub-region.

According to him, the Nigerian leader had done more than any other to support democratic governments in West Africa, just as he had done in waging battles against the emergence of non-democratic regimes.

Buhari, in a statement by his spokesman, Garba Shehu, welcomed the proposition, stressing that democracy is the best pathway to bringing together diverse people and a dependable vehicle for the achievement of national development.

“For this, said the ECOWAS Chairman, President Buhari will have his name on the Roll of Honor in the community’s new headquarters building upon its completion in Abuja, so that future generations of West African citizens will know about the greatness he achieved and to copy his laudable examples,” Shehu said.


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