Edo COVID-19 compliance team inspects schools

Members of Edo COVID-19 Compliance team inspecting compliance with coronavirus protocols at Igbinedion Education Centre, Benin City, Edo State, on Monday, February 1.

As educational institutions resume academic activities in Edo, the state government has embarked on monitoring of schools across the state to ensure strict compliance why with safety protocols against the spread of COVID-19 pandemic.

The team, comprising members of COVID- 19 response, security agencies, Red Cross Society of Nigeria and officials of National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC), among others, visited various schools across Benin metropolis to monitor compliance with government’s directive.

Some schools visited include Imaguero Junior Secondary School; Oredo Girls Junior and Senior Secondary School as well as Igbinedion Montessori Nursery and Primary schools.

Leader of the COVID-19 team and Health Educator for Edo Healthcare Development Agency, Mrs. Irene Uabor and risk communication officer for NCDC, Mr. Simon Idoko interacted with principals and students, tutoring them on the proper way to wash their hands and wear face masks.

Uabor said: “As schools resume in the state, we have to go round to monitor compliance with government’s directive and observance of COVID-19 protocols. We are impressed with the outcome as schools visited adhered strictly to safety directives with students wearing face masks and buckets of water for hand washing seen at the entrance of the schools.”

Idoko however noted that there are few lapses, which have been brought to the attention of principals of such schools.

Principal of Montessori Nursery and Primary School, Sir Henry Ohiokhuaboh, commended the state government for the exercise, saying the move would force schools to observe the safety guidelines to prevent the spread of the deadly pandemic.


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