Edo Covid-19 taskforce intensifies compliance monitoring at eateries, others

The Edo State Government Task Force on COVID-19 has intensified monitoring in eateries and shopping malls across Benin City as a way of ensuring compliance with the pandemic prevention protocols.

The government’s team included members of the Edo State COVID-19 Risk Communication Pillar, security agencies, Red Cross Society of Nigeria and officials of the National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC).

Some of the public places visited are Inoman Foundation School, Market Square, Kilimanjaro Restaurant, Kada Plaza, GT Plaza, among others.

At the various places visited, the Head of Edo State COVID-19 Risk Communication, Mrs Irene Uwabor, reiterated the need to adhere to guidelines on proper use of face masks, social distancing, handwashing and use of hand sanitisers.

“We are here to ensure that the management and customers are adhering to COVID-19 safety protocols, use of face masks, and to see to it that they are observing social distancing.”

Uwabor commended some managers of eateries and shopping malls over the level of compliance, adding that, “Most places we have been to have recorded commendable levels of compliance. The use of infrared thermometers is also necessary, but some of the facilities didn’t have thermometers. We spoke to the management and they have started making use of them.

“We have been sensitising people on how to put on their face masks properly and how to take it off. It has been a worthwhile exercise, as we are recording improvements by the day.”


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