Edo, Ondo governorship polls: Youth Party offers 50% fee cut for women, youths, PWDs

National Publicity Secretary, Youth Party, Ayodele Adio (left) and Head of Digital Media, Adeogun Oluwadamilola during their visit to The Guardian corporate headquarters in Lagos…yesterday.

The Youth Party (YP) has announced a 50 per cent slash in the prescribed nomination fees for women, youths and People Living with Disabilities (PWDs), who are aspiring to contest for the governorship elections in Edo and Ondo states under its platform.

The party pegged the fee for the expression of interest form for governor at N5 million, while normination form will cost, N20 million.

A statement released by the Party’s acting National Publicity Secretary, Ayodele Adio stated that female aspirants and PWDs shall pay 50 per cent (half) of the prescribed nomination fee, while youths between the ages of 25 and 40 years shall also pay 50 per cent (half) of the prescribed nomination fee.

Governorship election will hold in Edo state September 21, 2024, while that of Ondo State holds November 16, 2024, according to the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) guideline.

As a result, the Party’s National Executive Committee (NEC) has issued guidelines for the conduct of the Party’s primaries for the Edo and Ondo State elections in conformity with INEC guidelines.

According to Adio, a fail-proof system has been put in place to ensure that there would be no system failure on the day of the primary elections.

A timetable and schedule of activities revealed that the Party fixed January 15 to February 20, 2024, for the sales of nomination and expression of interest forms.

It states that the schedule of activities was in compliance with the Electoral Act (2010) (as amended) and the INEC guideline.

The statement partly reads: “Kindly note that the primaries as stated above will be conducted on the basis of One Member One Vote (OMOV); no delegates or super delegates. All party members are entitled to vote. Our Nomination Forms are affordable.

“Voting will be innovative and convenient as we are adopting electronic means: online and SMS. It will be secured, monitored by candidates and INEC, and secret as required by the law.

“The guidelines for the primaries are open and accessible for transparency. The members’ list/voters list for each constituency or elective position will be available to all aspirants without discrimination.

“The party is committed to expanding the democratic space by providing a level playing field for all aspirants on its platform. We encourage anyone who aspires to contest in a free and fair primaries to join the Party at www.youthpartyng.com/join-movement/.

“Likewise, persons interested in voting for a candidate of their choice in a party primaries without fear or favour, are encouraged to join the Party. The Party preaches transparent political leadership and followership that frowns at money politics, bribery, violence, ‘short-termism’, repression and corruption.”


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