Edose ‘Sir Ej’ Enaboifo: The Dream Is To Make My Businesses Global Brands

Sir Ej

Edose Enaboifo, popularly known as ‘Sir Ej’, is a very busy businessman. Despite his busy schedule, he had an exclusive interview with our team on what motivated him to set up the Sir Ej Group, industry trends and future aspirations. As the founder and president of the Sir Ej Group, Edose John Enaboifo-Sir Ej has successfully established multiple ventures, including Sir EJ Farms Enterprise, Sir EJ Resources LTD, Sir EJ Global LTD, Sir EJ Homes LTD, and Trade 4 Fast Pay. Excerpts:

What are you best known for?

Sir Ej Group is one of Africa’s most diversified brands that deal in crop and livestock farming, construction and real estate management, general merchandise and more.

The group’s interests span a range of sectors in Nigeria and across the globe.

How you started, a little background, clients

My late father was a well to do businessman and I followed his footsteps and he made me who i am today.

The Sir Ej Group started from a very humble beginning from a back garden livestock farm in Edo State Nigeria, then to Sir Ej Farms Enterprise, with the primary objective of catering for people with our livestock produce. You know life in Nigeria, agriculture remains the foundation of the Nigerian economy, providing livelihoods for most Nigerians and generating millions of jobs. Along with crude oil, Nigeria relies on the agricultural products it exports to generate most of its national revenue. We started from a back garden livestock farm in Edo State and then the concept of Sir Ej Farms Enterprise came sometime in 2009. And I said having done this at the grassroots level, we needed to move to Kuje Abuja, which is a prime location for farming in Abuja.

Today Sir Ej Farms under the supervision of Sir Ej Group is positioned as one of the leading livestock farms in Nigeria. when it comes to livestock production.

Today these are Some of the services we provide at Sir Ej Group include construction and real estate management, integrated farming of fish, snail, crop and general livestock, construction and real estate management, E-commerce stores, forex trading, cryptocurrency, technical services, livestock consultancy, import and export, general merchandise and more.

Sir Ej Group also specializes in providing top-quality construction services. With years of experience in the industry, the company has gained a reputation for delivering exceptional results on all types of projects, from residential to commercial.

What makes you unique?

We source for the best hands and machines to run our operations with and we have put processes and strategies in place that will help us employ best practices as we strive to provide industry-leading support every time.

Our price range is the best out there and Our Customer Service team is always on hand to solve any queries,

We are highly customer-centric and are committed towards finding innovative ways of improving our customers’

How do you manage all these businesses? What’s making it grow? Is it the quality of workers, micro-management or what?

I think that every man is gifted from God. I think I am a good manager of humans and because I am a people’s person, I have come across humans who are next to God or angels. So, you place these businesses in their hands and also you ensure they see a future with you and they give you their all because I cannot do more than one business at a time. I need to drive these businesses through people. I also partner with a lot of people, and if you look around, you just say, this one has a knowledge about agriculture or real estate, take this share. So, they become part of the business. I only superintend. I don’t call them my workers; I call them my partners because they see it and everyone takes a part of the pie. You make sure their families are okay. Along the way, you might have one or two betrayals, but it won’t take the faith you have in other people.

You hinted earlier about how far you have come. Can you tell us where exactly Edose-Sir Ej is coming from?

I knew quite early that I didn’t have any other option but to succeed. I come from a very humble family – although we never lacked anything as children of a well to do businessman. My dad was a farmer and a well to do businessman and I followed his footstep and my mother is a caterer and we had the basic things. But the most important thing about life is contentment, not about what you have. You can have everything and still not be content. So, at every point in time, we were taught contentment. I did not come from a poor family because poverty is a state of mind. So, I was content with everything because I went to some of the best schools – including Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, where I obtained a Bachelor Science Degree in Business Administration. So, the upbringing helped in shaping who I have become. I knew I needed to leave a footprint in the world, a positive one. That’s why I look restless in doing everything I have been doing. I do business, mentor humans, impact positively on the society, grow the economy and reduce unemployment and this is who I am.

You said earlier that you are loved by Nigerians. What are those things you have been able to give back to them?

I do a lot of charity; if you follow me on my Instagram @sirejofficial or @sirejfarms you will notice that I always do giveaways and I have made several yearly donations to orphanage homes and scholarship funds for students, which have benefited more than 800 students in Nigeria. I don’t like talking about what I have done for others because I believe we get our reward back from God and not from man.  And by God’s grace I want to give people shelter because many of them are going through hell. I want to build hospitals that will be funded from the proceeds of my business so that people can have basic healthcare and maternity care free of charge. Because if it is food, I have conquered that one myself. From my generation, no one will ever go hungry and part of the job that God gave us here is for us to take care of other people the way He takes care of us. So, I’m looking for more ways to give back right now.

You have many followers on your social platform among the youths. There’s so much youth involvement in crimes. What’s your message to them?

The youth of every nation is the future of the nation. I’m a role model to a lot of people, so I try to abstain from certain things because people look up to me. They have that love for me. I know the kind of messages I get in my DM on Instagram @sirejofficial, on my WhatsApp messages, Twitter @sirejgroup and the rest. I know what I represent, what I want people to see me as. I tell people anything that gives you happiness as long as you are not hurting anybody, do it, anything you do to make money as far as it is legal, do it. Meaning that you can live the kind of lifestyle that Sir Ej is living legally. In terms of drugs, it is a generational killer. We have seen cases of what it does to people and what it can do to generations. The youths are the nation builders and we should not destroy where we live. Whether alcohol abuse, drug abuse or crimes, stay away.

Do you have Future plans for Sir Ej Group? Where do you intend to be, talking about the Sir Ej Group in the next few years?

Yes, Sir Ej Group is looking to invest in the oil and Gas sector and into the business of hospitality and entertainment soon.

Are you interested in politics?

For now, I have no comment on this but the future will tell.

