EID-EL-FITR: NSCDC deploys 52, 000 personnel to beef up security

Commandant General, (CG), of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps, (NSCDC), associate professor Ahmed Abubakar Audi, has approved the deployment of 52, 000 officers and men of the Corps across the states including the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) to provide security during this year’s Eid-el- Fitr celebration.

In a communique signed by the Public Relations Officer, (PRO), of the corps, the tasked zonal commanders to ensure proper security coordination of their zones, while state commandants are to effectively mobilise area commanders, divisional officers, component commanders and all Special Forces to achieve watertight security for maximum protection of the populace and critical national assets.

“Our resolve to guarantee peace, safety and protection of lives and critical assets in synergy with other security agencies must be carried out through our collective inputs.

“For these obvious reasons, I have charged all Zonal Commanders and State Commandants with these responsibilities and everyone must brace up to discharge their assignments satisfactorily,” the CG stated.

He charged all formations of the Corps to engage community stakeholders in gathering credible intelligence and carry out composite surveillance before, during and after the celebration to prevent surprises from the criminals.

Audi also ordered that the deployment of personnel should be focused on prayer grounds, worship centres, recreational facilities, motor parks, gardens, markets, shopping complexes, black spots and critical installations to make the festivity hitch-free.

While felicitating with the Muslim faithful, Audi congratulated all for the completion of the Ramadan fasting and celebration of Eid-el-Fitr, praying God to answer all prayers for peace, stability and security in the country.


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