EKEDC laments extortion under new metering initiative


Eko Electricity Distribution Company (EKEDC) has reiterated that prepaid meters are free of charge under the National Mass Metering Programme (NMMP) scheme.

The scheme, which started in October 2020, has witnessed many complaints from consumers claiming Distribution Companies (DisCos) were demanding money from them to get metered.

However, EKEDC in a statement signed by the General Manager, Corporate Communications of the Company, Godwin Idemudia urged customers to report any individual that demands any form of payment or gratification.

Idemudia corroborated that there have been reports that some individuals have been demanding payments for the acquisition of prepaid meters under the NMMP scheme and appealed to customers not to pay anyone as meters are free and subsequently report such heinous acts.

He said: “We appeal to customers to report all cases of demand for money for the acquisition of prepaid meters to enable us to investigate and ensure such staff face the full extent of the law and serve as a deterrent for other erring staff. Meters are absolutely free and should not be paid for under the NMMP. Please report to us via our whistleblowing email- whistleblower@ekedp.com or via our website- https://ekedp.com/tellus ”

He also noted that other forms of extortion are frowned at by the Company and should any customer experience that, the customer should report immediately any such infraction for necessary investigation and required disciplinary action. He revealed “we have a robust process to enable us to investigate and sanction staff who are fingered in any act of extorting customers under the guise of offering a helping hand. It is our duty to serve our customers and all payments should be made through our official channels”.

Idemudia assured customers who are yet to benefit from the mass metering programme to remain patient as the Company has ramped up its metering roll-out and advised customers that are yet to apply to do so on the Company’s website via https://ekedp.com/page/OrderMeter to apply and get metered immediately without any charge.


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