Ekiti: Pandemonium as traders clash with Amotekun corps over market relocation

There was pandemonium, yesterday, in Ado Ekiti, the state capital, as some Hausa traders engaged the Amotekun Corps in a fierce battle over their relocation from Atikankan area to the Agric Olope market.

Reports have it that one of the traders was allegedly shot dead, while several Amotekun officers were said to have suffered injuries and are receiving treatment at an undisclosed hospital in Ado Ekiti.
Recall that the state government had tried unsuccessfully to relocate the traders from Atikankan, believed to harbour criminal elements and drug patrons to a new market provided for them .
A source in the area told newsmen that the gun duel lasted several hours, as nearby traders and shop owners closed abruptly and scampered for safety. 
Men of the Rapid Response Squad of the Nigerian Police force were later drafted to the area to restore normalcy.
At press time, armed policemen had condoned the entire Atikankan area to prevent further bloodbath. The Serkin Hausa, Abdul Yusuf, who said he narrowly escaped death by a whisker, blamed the situation on his kinsmen, who refused to obey earlier instructions by government.
Chairman of Ado Local council, Bosun Oshaloni, said he was already interfacing with the Hausa community and security agencies to ensure that peace returned to the area.
He insisted that Atikankan has become the notorious black spot for sales of drugs, den of robbers and other criminal activities. When contacted, spokesperson for the state police Command, Sunday Abutu, who promised to get back to newsmen, was yet to do so.


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