Eldee advocates for synergy amongst stakeholders in entertainment industry

A renowned musician, Lanre Dabiri popularly known as “Eldee” on Wednesday said that it was high time content producers begun to reap the benefits of their labour.

Dabiri spoke against the backdrop of the Nigerian Entertainment Conference (NEC), which held at the Eko Hotel and Suites, Victoria Island, Lagos.

“Content producers in all sectors of the entertainment industry are plagued by all sorts of irregularities that are hindering their progress,’’he said.

The musician added that if the practitioners in the entertainment sector were not able to reap from their creative output, then the growth of the industry would be seriously retarded.

“We should align with the scope of NEC and seek to achieve meaningful purpose that will advance the industry and life in general,” he said.

Eldee also said that the level of mediocrity in the entertainment industry and pirating of intellectual works, was threatening the growth the sector.

“We are tired of not having valuable insight, tired of low or no return on investment, tired of ruined legacy, tired of piracy, tired of being sidelined by corporate entities,” he said.

He stressed that it was the civic duty of all stakeholders to tap into this movement to advance the industry and the nation.

“We are all gathered here for this conference because we are tired of the present state of the industry and we want change,” he said.

Dabiri tasked all stakeholders and the organiser of NEC to be more proactive with the advancement of the entertainment industry.

“Although the industry has improved over the years, we still fall short in many aspects, which can be easily address if the will and commitment is there.

“If these issues are addressed, practitioners in the industry will drop their short attitude of doing business and improve on their content,” he said.

