Elizabeth Osho’s “Who Do You Think You Are?”— A Story of Overcoming Adversity

Elizabeth Osho.

In an inspiring interview with The Guardian’s IFEANYI IBEH, Elizabeth Osho opens up about her journey from abandonment and adversity to a position of strength and empowerment. She describes the trials she has faced, from infertility to entrepreneurship, and how these challenges have fueled her commitment to helping others overcome similar obstacles. Elizabeth’s story is one of resilience, proving that with determination and a steadfast belief in one’s own capacity for transformation, even the most challenging circumstances can be surmounted. As the author of “Who Do You Think You Are?”, she shares the driving force behind her book, which aims to encourage others to reclaim their narrative, find healing, and turn their scars into a source of strength. Elizabeth’s journey serves as a beacon of hope, illustrating that no matter the adversity, the human spirit is capable of incredible feats.

Can you tell us more about Elizabeth Osho and what has shaped the woman you are today?

My journey is a testament to the extraordinary resilience of the human spirit. My story is not just a narrative of overcoming trauma; it’s a symphony of strength forged in the fires of abandonment and adversity. From the depths of despair, I have worked hard at not merely surviving, but thriving, my spirit unbroken and my resolve unyielding.

I’ve had to overcome so many situations over the course of my young years, from abandonment issues, to struggling to belong, infertility, entrepreneurship. Where I am today is a testament to the power of resilience. Every trial, every setback, became a steppingstone for me on my path to empowering myself and others around me. Through my journey, I have discovered the boundless capacity of the human heart to heal and to rise above the ashes of despair. My journey so far is not just about personal triumph; it’s about the universal journey of reclaiming one’s narrative. It’s about finding the courage to rewrite the script of one’s life, transforming pain into purpose, and scars into strength. In the face of adversities, I chose not to be defined by my circumstances but to transcend them. My story is a beacon of hope for anyone who has ever felt abandoned, lost, or broken. It’s a reminder that within each of us lies the power to overcome, to endure, and to thrive. My book serves as a reminder to us all that no matter how dark the night may seem, there is always the promise of a new dawn, and within each of us burns the flame of indomitable hope.

What would you say informed the decision to write the book ‘Who Do You Think You Are’?

The decision to share my life’s story in “Who Do You Think You Are?” was deeply informed by my unwavering commitment to healing and empowering others – I’ve always been this way and I’ve always understood and held high the power of storytelling and a problem being shared is a half solved. Having traversed the tumultuous terrain of abandonment and trauma myself, I recognized the transformative power of sharing my story. My journey is not just mine alone; it was a universal narrative of struggle, resilience, and redemption. In writing this book, I wanted offer solace to those who have felt the sting of abandonment and the weight of adversity. I know that by baring my own scars and vulnerabilities, I could illuminate a path for others who may be navigating similar challenges. “Who Do You Think You Are?” Is born out of my conviction that every individual possesses within them the seeds of resilience and the capacity to rewrite their own narrative. By sharing my journey of self-discovery and triumph, I aimed to ignite the spark of hope in others and inspire them to reclaim their own stories.

Elizabeth Osho’s “Who Do You Think You Are?” is a story centred around overcoming adversity.

Let’s talk about your writing journey and the process of getting this book published. What challenges did you face and how were you able to overcome them?

The journey of writing “Who Do You Think You Are?” was as much a personal odyssey as it was a professional endeavor for me. Like any journey worth undertaking, it was not without its challenges and obstacles. One of the biggest challenges I encountered was the emotional weight of revisiting my past trauma. In the early stages, I had weekly sessions with my book consultant Yetunde Shorters and some sessions were very painful and I would feel emotionally raw and drained post session.  Delving into the depths of my experiences of abandonment and adversity required immense courage and vulnerability. Yet, I knew that confronting these painful memories was essential to authentically capturing my journey and imparting its profound lessons to others. In addition, the process of translating a personal narrative into a coherent and compelling book presented its own set of challenges. Crafting a cohesive narrative  while honoring the complexity of my experiences demanded meticulous attention to detail and a willingness to revisit difficult moments. There are so many moving parts,  we first recorded videos of me recounting my story , then we transcribed. Then we needed to make it coherent, and make it flow. It needed to be edited meticulously, the book cover, the marketing plans – these all come with their own unique challenges. I also grappled with the delicate balance of transparency and discretion, ensuring that my story resonated authentically while respecting the privacy of those involved who have their own stories within my story. Navigating the publishing landscape was also another hurdle. The decision between self-publishing and securing a publisher willing to take a chance on a debut author with a deeply personal story. Undeterred by setbacks, as is my style, I’ve remained steadfast in my belief in the power of my message and persisted in my quest to find the right partners for “Who Do You Think You Are”

For anyone who has never heard about the book, why should they get a copy and what pertinent questions does the book provide answers to?

At its core, “Who Do You Think You Are?” offers profound insights into the journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Through the lens of my own experiences, I invite readers to embark on a transformative exploration of resilience, redemption, and the pursuit of purpose. This book tackles poignant questions that resonate deeply with readers from all walks of life: Who am I, truly? My journey is a testament to the power of self-discovery and the resilience of the human spirit. How do I overcome adversity? Through the highs and lows of my journey, I share invaluable lessons on resilience, offering practical wisdom and heartfelt encouragement for navigating life’s challenges with courage and grace. Can I find healing and redemption after trauma? “Who Do You Think You Are?” is a testament to the transformative power of healing and redemption. My story serves as a beacon of hope for anyone who has ever felt broken, reminding us that our scars do not define us, and that healing is always within reach.

Where do I find strength in moments of despair? In the darkest moments of my journey, I discovered an unyielding reservoir of strength within myself —a strength born of resilience, faith, and the unwavering belief in the possibility of a brighter tomorrow. How do I cultivate resilience in the face of abandonment and adversity? Through poignant reflections and powerful insights, I offer readers a roadmap to resilience, guiding them through the process of transforming pain into purpose and adversity into opportunity.

What should readers look out for as you get ready to launch Who Do You Think You Are?

I’m really excited for the launch of the book “Who Do You Think You Are?” approaches, readers can anticipate a host of exciting events and opportunities to engage are coming up Book Launch Events: Look for announcements about book launch events, both virtual and in-person, where readers can connect with myself and other authors and personalities. We have book launches happening in Lagos, London, and Washington D.C starting from June 2024

Media Tours: Stay tuned for media tours across London, Lagos, and Washington D.C – Keep an eye out for interviews, features, and reviews in newspapers, magazines, podcasts, and online publications, where I’ll share insights into her writing process and the themes explored in the book.

Social Media Campaigns: The Instagram page for the book @whodoyouthinkyouarebook  will have all the details on the upcoming book tour. Pre-Order and Release Dates: Keep track of the pre-order and release dates for “Who Do You Think You Are? On Instagram @whodoyouthinkyouarebook

Community Engagement: We are partnering with online and offline book clubs, discussion groups, or forums dedicated to “Who Do You Think You Are?” Connect with fellow readers who are also eager to explore the themes of resilience, identity, and empowerment that the book delves into.  Book Reviews: Keep an eye out for early reviews of “Who Do You Think You Are?” from readers and book reviewers.

As a Communications and Public Relations Professional what would you say most business owners are doing wrong and need to correct quickly?

One common mistake that many business owners make in their communications and public relations efforts is failing to prioritize authenticity and transparency. In today’s interconnected and socially conscious world, consumers expect honesty, integrity, and authenticity from the brands they engage with. Yet, all too often, businesses fall short in this regard, resorting to misleading or overly promotional messaging that can erode trust and credibility.

Your story is proof that you’ve gone through a lot, but didn’t give up. What would you say to someone who feels like life is unfair and is ready to throw in the towel?

To anyone who feels like life is unfair and is on the brink of giving up, I would offer these words of encouragement. Please remember that, you are not alone: Remember that you are not alone in your struggles. Countless others have faced similar challenges and have found the strength to persevere. Reach out to friends, family, or support networks for help and encouragement. Every setback is an opportunity for growth and resilience. The darkest moments often precede the brightest breakthroughs. Hold on to hope and trust that better days lie ahead. It’s also important to focus on “what you can control”, take each day at time and be kind to yourself.  We are all truly stronger than we know, and we must draw upon that inner strength and trust our ability to overcome whatever challenges life throws at us.


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