Elumelu joins U.S. VP at gender inclusion summit

Tony Elumelu
Chairman of Heirs Holdings Tony Elumelu
The Group Chairman of United Bank for Africa (UBA) and Heirs Holdings, Tony Elumelu, was in Zambia at the invitation of United States Vice President, Kamala Harris, for a gender inclusion summit.

Elumelu joined other global leaders at the inaugural meeting of the Steering Committee of the United States Government’s initiative ‘Gender Inclusion in the Digital Economy’, which took place on Saturday, April 1, in Lusaka, Zambia.

His attendance represented a further recognition of his advocacy of the transformation of Africa, through a dynamic private-public sector approach.

Elumelu welcomes the increased engagement of the US Administration with Africa, a partnership that he has stressed should be based on equity and mutual respect.

As one of Africa’s leading entrepreneurs, Mr. Elumelu sees many common values between the entrepreneurially driven US economy and the opportunities in Africa, not least in creating the enabling environment to support Africa’s highly entrepreneurial youth.


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