Embrace technology for leadership success, experts tell youths

Participants at Advancing Youth Voice Initiative (AYVI) Workshop 2024.

Industry experts have emphasised the need to leverage technology to achieve success in modern leadership.

They advised young professionals to embrace artificial intelligence (AI) tools and digital platforms to enhance their leadership skills and stay competitive in today’s dynamic landscape.

They gave the advice at Advancing Youth Voice Initiative (AYVI) Workshop 2024 with the theme: “What does it take to lead in the 21st century?” They highlighted the importance of staying tech-savvy to navigate the complexities of leadership effectively.

They stressed that as industries evolve, the integration of technology becomes a key driver for success, urging the next generation of leaders to harness innovation for their professional growth.

Founder, AYVI, Carolyn Wokoh, said the driving force behind the initiative is to empower Nigerian youths in the digital realm, guiding them on utilising digital applications, including AI, to make impactful decisions in their lives.

She pointed out that the youth often serve as the government’s greatest critics, consistently blaming and criticizing leadership without taking responsibility. She questioned how they can transition from this critical stance to actively engaging in leadership and community service.

“Nigerian youths should understand what modern leadership is; the world has moved from a hierarchical system of leadership, GenZ and Millennial look at leadership as dominance, whereas the world is no longer about domination. It’s about having vision, creativity, innovation and values,” she said.

Chief Executive, Generative AI learning Concepts Ltd., Sonny Iroche, said AI plays a crucial role in modern leadership by aiding decision-making, optimising processes and fostering innovation.

He added that AI can be leveraged for data-driven insights, predictive analytics and enhancement of efficient and strategic planning.

Iroche added that AI empowers leaders to make informed decisions and adapt to the dynamic challenges of the modern business landscape.

Speaking on ‘Evolution of Market Structure, Business Enterprise in the Digital Age’, Founder, Instinct Hub, Noah Olatoye, emphasised that young individuals should utilise technology to navigate market structures and develop business concepts.

He mentioned that artificial intelligence can be employed to discover business concepts such as product ideas, marketing strategies, and technological innovations.

“Business ideas are not gotten from the beginning, the improvement on product comes from customers’ feedback,” he said.


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