Engage in electoral process, Ehondor of Benin Kingdom charges youths

The Ehondor of Benin, Chief lyare Ehondor, has issued a passionate call for the revival of ancient traditions in the states’ governance.

Emphasising the rich history and sophisticated political system of their ancestors, he urged the people of the state to honour these traditions as they approach the upcoming elections.

“Our ancestors built a civilisation renowned for its sophisticated political system, a system that valued consultation, representation, and the active participation of all members of society. Just as they recognised the importance of inclusive governance, so too must we embrace the power of collective action in charting the course of our state.”

Addressing youths specifically, he urged them to reclaim their rightful place in the political arena. “Your voices are the echoes of generations past, your ideas, the seeds of a brighter future,” he said. “It is time to breathe new life into our ancient traditions by actively engaging in electoral process.”

He urged the youths to register to vote, educate themselves on the issues that matter most to their communities and cast their ballots with conviction on election day. He emphasised that their participation is not merely a privilege but a sacred duty to honour the legacy of those who came before and to safeguard the prosperity of generations yet to come.

Calling for unity and empowerment, he added, “Together, let us forge a path forward that honours our heritage, respects our diversity and empowers every citizen to contribute to the advancement of our great state.”
