Enjoying A Greek Yoghurt Parfait with Fresh Berries and Nuts

Greek yoghurt parfaits are a fantastic way to start your day or enjoy a nutritious snack anytime. They are quick to prepare and filled with beneficial nutrients.

Now take note of this; Don’t get scared, you have the sweetness of the two countries mentioned on your palm, and in a cup. Here’s a detailed guide to making delicious and healthy Greek yoghurt parfait with fresh berries and nuts.

Greek yoghurt. Photo. Pexels. Nicola Barts

What are the Benefits of Greek yoghurt parfaits

Protein: Greek yoghurt is high in protein, which helps in muscle repair and keeps you feeling full longer.

Probiotics: The live cultures in Greek yoghurt aid in digestion and promote a healthy gut.

Antioxidants: Fresh berries are loaded with antioxidants, which help fight inflammation and boost your immune system.

Healthy Fats: Nuts provide essential healthy fats, important for brain health and maintaining cell function.


– 1 cup Greek yoghourt (plain or flavoured, preferably low-fat or non-fat)

– 1/2 cup mixed fresh berries (such as strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries)

– 2 tablespoons chopped nuts (such as almonds, walnuts, pecans, or a mix)

– 1 teaspoon honey or maple syrup (optional, for added sweetness)

You can also add a granola for added crunch, while including chia seeds or flaxseeds for extra fibre and omega-3 fatty acids. They are optional though.

READ ALSO: Easy 4-Step Strawberries And Cream Recipe For National Strawberries And Cream Day

Preparing it.

1. Prepare the Ingredients:

– Wash and dry the fresh berries. If using strawberries, hull and slice them.

– Chop the nuts if they are not pre-chopped.

2. Layer the Parfait:

– In a glass or bowl, spoon half of the Greek yoghurt as the base layer.

– Add a layer of half the mixed berries on top of the yoghurt.

– Sprinkle a tablespoon of the chopped nuts over the berries.

3. Repeat the Layers:

– Add the remaining Greek yoghurt on top of the nut layer.

– Follow with the remaining berries.

– Sprinkle the rest of the nuts on top.

4. Add Sweetener (Optional):

– Drizzle with honey or maple syrup if you prefer a sweeter parfait.

5. Serve Immediately:

– Parfaits are best enjoyed fresh, but they can be prepared a few hours ahead and stored in the refrigerator.

Other ways to enjoy your parfait.

You can look for brands with live cultures and minimal added sugar.

Seasonal Fruits: Use seasonal fruits for the freshest flavour and highest nutritional value. In winter, consider using frozen berries or incorporating other fruits like pomegranate seeds or citrus segments.

Nut Variety: Experiment with different nuts or seeds to keep things interesting. Toasting the nuts beforehand can enhance their flavour.

Layering: For a more visually appealing parfait, use a clear glass or jar to showcase the layers.

Greek yoghurt parfaits are delicious, nutritious, and easy-to-make snacks or meals that can be channelled to your taste and nutritional needs.


  • Kareem Azeez

    Kareem Azeez is a dynamic journalist with years of media experience, he crafts captivating content for social and digital platforms.

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