Enlarging your capacity – Part 3

Abel Ukachi Amadi

You must realise that you need an enlarged capacity to succeed; hence you have to ask God for it. Jabez asked God to bless him, and enlarge his coast (1 Chronicles 4:9-10). No man can be great until he increases his capacity and you cannot increase your capacity if your mind is fixed. Refuse to be fixed in your mind because it leads to stagnation. You should not remain at the same spot every day. Be willing to go the extra mile: those who want more are willing to do more. They are willing to go where others have not being before. Get out of the comfort zone, like Abraham who left what was familiar and departed as the Lord directed him (Genesis 12:4).

One of the hindrances to capacity increase is comfort zone. This was the problem of the children of Israel who were on their way to the Promised Land, Canaan. They came to the foot of Mount Sinai and they became comfortable and stopped going. When you are so much comfortable with the level where you are and you are so much satisfied with the little you have done, you cannot increase your capacity. If you are complacent with your present status, you go nowhere, but if you tell God where I am is not my wish or this is not where I dream for my family and I want to do something greater, God will increase your capacity. If you have a branch of business, expand it. Comfortableness is a great hindrance to capacity increase in whatever profession or career you are engaged.

Another hindrance to increase in capacity is your mindset. The Bible says, for as a man thinks in his heart so he is (Proverbs 23:7). You increase your capacity through your way of thinking. Until your mind shifts, your capacity will not shift. The brain has a size, but the mind is elastic and limitless. As much as your mind can grasp, God will give it to you. If your mind is fixed, you will not be able to think outside the box. If there is no paradigm shift in your mind, no matter how much you pray, you will be fixed there. Romans 12:2a (KJV) says, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

Until your mind grows, nothing grows. What is happening to you on the outside is based on what is happening in your mind. No man can change his result outside when he has not changed himself on the inside. Your business must grow in your mind before it manifests. You cannot change a man until he changes his way of thinking and until he changes his way of thinking, nothing in his life will change.

Another hindrance to increase in capacity is lack of personal development. Personal development is developing your personal capabilities and potentials to enhance quality of life. Jesus was the most anointed, but he developed Himself. The Bible in John 7:15 says: “The Jews were amazed and asked, ‘how does he know so much when he has not been trained?”’ That you did not go to school is not an excuse. It is not school that makes people; it is personal development. Without personal development, you cannot increase your capacity. No one can limit or restrict your capacity for success unless you allow them to do so. Think bigger, go further and occupy new territories.
• Today’s nugget: Don’t limit yourself. Prayer: Lord increase me on every side. Prayer lines: 08033299824. E-mail: amadiabelukachi@gmail.com. Rev. Dr. Abel Ukachi Amadi, General Superintendent, Assemblies of God Nigeria.


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