Entrepreneurship training key to economic devt, says minister

Minister of State, Mines and Steel Development, Dr. Uchechukwu Sampson Ogah, has affirmed that entrepreneurship training on steel and foundry technology will significantly contribute to the socio-economic growth of the country. 

He disclosed this in a statement after the closing ceremony of the ministry’s maiden edition of Technical Capacity Building for Nigerian Youths in the Metals Sector held at Metallurgical Training Centre, Ajaokuta Complex, Kogi State.

Ogah, who was represented by the Director of Artisanal Small Scale Mining, Mr. Patrick Ojeka, urged the trainee graduands at the just concluded three-week intensive workshop to efficiently and effectively work towards the development of the sector, which is the bedrock of any country’s industrialisation.

The minister also charged the participants, who were awarded with certificates and empowerment kits for their industrial takeoff, to properly utilise them for self-uplift and boosting of nation’s economy.

Speaking at the event, the Director, Steel and Non Ferrous Metals, Olasupo Kolawole, noted that Nigerian youths play a key role in national development and that the current administration has drawn a framework to provide a convenient environment to help them maximise their creative and productive potentials.

He noted that the programme is an appropriate strategy meant to launch youths in the metal sub-sector into national developmental efforts by ensuring human capital development with special emphasis on vibrant metals operators.

On his part, the sole administrator, Ajaokuta Complex, Sumaila Abdul-Akaba, expressed optimism that with hard work, determination and the lifeline given to the trainees, they would create wealth and employment in the country.


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