Environmentalist petitions Italian govt over Agip’s activities in Rivers community

An environmentalist, identified as Nicholas Evaristus, has petitioned the Italian government over alleged threats to life due to the activities of Nigerian Agip Oil Company (NAOC) in Aggah community in Ogba/Egbema/Ndoni, Rivers State.

Evaristus, a pastor, in his petition, filed through the Italian Ambassador to Nigeria, claimed that Agip oversees over 10 oil wells in Mgbede Oilfield without an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), which blocked water channels in his community from the natural watercourse, resulting in all-year flooding in the area.

In the petition, which he copied President Muhammadu Buhari, Senate President Ahmed Lawal and the National Human Rights Commission, among others, he said that before resorting to writing to the parent country of the multinationals, he initially took Eni/NAOC to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development in Europe, where it was agreed that the companies should channel flood out of the community and build a hospital for people impacted by the operations of the company in Aggah community.

The petition, which has video clips, photographs and supporting documents attached as evidence, according to the petitioner, was presented on behalf of his family, members of the Association of Land Area Landlords and people of Aggah community.

He added: “NAOC had earlier installed a well at the location called Mgbede II. Subsequently, the company installed more than ten wells with Mgbede II running double string since 1966 till date. Unfortunately, either by deliberate act or error of omission, the facilities were installed at locations blocking my community’s natural watercourse, thus, giving rise to massive floods, which sack the community during the larger part of the year.

“In the course of inquiries, we discovered that contrary to international best practices, Eni/NAOC has not, for its long years of operations, conducted environmental Impact Assessment or Post Impact Assessment in the affected Aggah community.”

He also accused Eni/NAOC of dumping toxic wastes in farmlands in Aggah, even after the Rivers State Ministry of Environment had issued a report demanding the company to evacuate the waste and pay compensation to affected landowners.


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