Eseigbe’s The Psychologist gets ministerial nodd


VETERAN actress cum TV host Tricia Eseigbe Kerry in 2013 launched a nationwide campaign to address and enlighten our communities about pedophiles and ways to prevent the sexual abuse of children, also to encourage victims of child sexual abuse to come out and tell their stories via her project—-The Psychologist- On The Move, a nationwide (covering 36 states) public awareness campaign programme on Child Sexual Abuse. 

Over the last two years, Tricia Eseigbe Kerry of Boldfaces International and The Psychologist On The Move Team has engaged in strategic long-term partnership with several state governors, government agencies, The Nigerian Police, corporate bodies, individuals and groups that are adapting key elements of our adult-responsibility and duties to protect our children.

Recently, Minister of Power, Prof. Chinedu Nebo added his voice to the millions of Nigerians locally and in the Diaspora that welcomed the initiative and campaign to protect our young innocent vulnerable children from the evil hands of deadly predators called pedophiles in our community.

Speaking in his office in Abuja, Prof. Chinedu Nebo welcomed Tricia Eseigbe Kerry and The Psychologist On The Move Team. The Minister thanked the actress and show host for stepping up the fight against child molestation and abuse in Nigeria.

Stressing he is totally against child sexual molestation or abuse, Prof. Nebo called on everyone who means well for young people to rise up and stand against child molestation and abuses in Nigeria. He said “whatever we must do as a nation to stop this nonsense, we must do it as a people”, saying it doesn’t matter what profession we find ourselves in, we must come together to support The Psychologist and fight to protect the next generation of this country from disaster’’. 

Also, Prof. Nebo warned ‘’if we get these little children damaged when they are very young they will grow up as people who are disjointed socially, psychologically and otherwise. We would have a generation with very low self esteem, people who cannot cope with the society, people who will hate the opposite sex and society in general, he urge Nigerians, whatever we can do to stop it we must do it’’

 The minister advised parents to educating their children not to allow anyone to touch them inappropriately. 

