Evangelism: Every believer’s ministry


Evangelism is one of the cardinal teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ, but the most neglected among Christians. The immediate audience of Jesus Christ at His ascension knew the weight of this teaching, which was why they carried out the assignment without hesitation. They obeyed and put their lives on the line for it. Conversely, contemporary believers do not see any need again to preach the gospel, even as they watch sinners die in their sins.

Evangelism is every believer’s assignment without exception. This is the only assignment that gladdens the heart of God. Believers are mandated to go to sinners and tell them about God’s love and the greatest price He paid for man’s redemption. Christians are to tell the world that Jesus Christ has defeated the devil and brought back life to the world. Sinners are to be shown the way of salvation without condemnation.

The contents of the message must be unique and characterised by the love of God. Sinners must be assured that the Saviour is not angry with them, but that He is ready to receive them the way they are and thereafter, change their sinful nature. The death of Christ that brought salvation must be a front burner message during evangelism. Believers’ message must convict and convince sinners, putting them to the saving power of God.

The theme of evangelism must be Jesus only. The early disciples doggedly preached Jesus Christ on daily basis. The Word of God made great impact in the hearers’ lives. The religious leaders could not stop them because they were convinced of what they preached and no one could resist the power with which they preached the gospel. No doubt, the disciples made huge success in this assignment. They knew their mission and what they were called to do. Without extending any form of invitation, three thousand souls were converted at the preaching of Peter.

Much as we have seen the exploits of the disciples in the field of evangelism, not much can be said of the present-day Christianity. The ‘noise’ we hear among Christians have not been able to produce any result. There is no power in the noise produced in various crusades and conference programmes. Sinners, sick and diseased people are always around during these wonderful programmes and they still go home the same. The gospel message is meant to yield results (salvation and healing).

A good preacher of the word should be ready to tell sinners his past life of sin. This is because no one was born a saint, for all have sinned. It is disservice to paint a picture of ourselves as people who never committed sin before sinners. When such disclosure is made, it brings hope to them that God can still save them, even in their wretched state. The world is looking for a message of hope. Give them hope through your message. The world is in great commotion that only God can save the situation. But this can only be done through you.

Christians should be cautioned not to preach church or their ministers but Jesus Christ, the crucified. It is only Jesus’ name that can save. Start and end with Jesus. This will make the gospel outreach fruitful. It gladdens God’s heart when His name is glorified during evangelism.

For further reading: Rom. 6:23; Matt. 11:28; Isaiah.. Acts 2:31; 26:18; 2:40-45; 5:28, 33, 42; 2:37-41, 44, 46, 47; 4:12; 1 Cor. 3:11; Mark 16:15.
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