Evangelism: Every believer’s ministry

Text: Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-20

Evangelism is a revered assignment handed down to the church by Jesus Christ before He left this world. There is no work that is more important in the Church than evangelism. Any activity that takes the place of evangelism is demonically inspired. Refusal to obey this noble assignment by believers is a joint fight with the devil to frustrate the essence of Christ’s death and to further populate hell.

The work of evangelism is a partnership venture involving man and God, Who is actively involved in the field of evangelism. He is only looking for available and ready vessels to bring souls to His Kingdom. The Lord will condemn believers if they neglect to preach the Word. There are many ways to participate in evangelism. For instance, one can financially support the mission work by voting in money to finance God’s work.

Men’s souls are so precious in God’s sight. God will demand the blood of sinners from Christians, who neglect to preach the Word of God to them. When believers’ attention is called to the work of evangelism, God expects prompt response and obedience. Disobedience, as it concerns evangelism, attracts God’s displeasure. Saul, the first King of Israel, was rejected as a king for mere disobedience. Many Christians have been rejected at the gate of heaven for neglecting the call to evangelise sinners.

God is searching for people to partner with, who can bring sinners to Him. No sacrifice is too much for this task. The money expended in evangelism is never a waste. It rather attracts blessings in return. Nobody has ever tried God in supporting the gospel message financially without having testimonies. Aside from the fact that your money is required to propagate the gospel message, your physical presence in the field of evangelism around your environment is also needed. Those who are too busy to carry out this assignment will regret it for all eternity.

Those who have tested the grace and joy of salvation will naturally put their lives on the line to bring souls to God. The heartbeat of a believer will ordinarily be subsumed and preoccupied with the work of evangelism. Some Christians foolishly lay their treasure on earth with an unprecedented mad race to acquire more wealth at the expense of evangelism. Riches are very good, but when it takes the place of evangelism, it becomes a curse and misplacement of priority. If by carelessness, a soul dies under your watch without hearing the gospel, the door of heaven will be shut against you!

The Lord provides and solves our needs in order that we may go out and bring souls to His Kingdom. Rhetorically, if God deals with you the way you attend to the work of evangelism, what do you think will happen to the works of your hand? Our persuasion and inspiration should be drawn from Paul’s resolve and commitments. He took evangelism as his personal assignment and he did it with dogged determination. His life on earth was given to evangelism. Paul wouldn’t want to give God unnecessary excuses for failing to preach the gospel, hence, his zeal for the gospel. He wouldn’t want to be cast away before the judgment throne for neglecting this assignment.

Evangelism is the only way to nip the ills of our society in the bud. Terrorism, prostitution, stealing, violence, robbery, kidnapping, etc, can only receive solutions in the gospel message. The gospel is the only panacea to the wickedness of the world. The science and technology of this world and all government efforts have failed man. The only solution is the gospel message. The world is in palpable fear and confused, not knowing what to do. The gospel message is the only answer and believers must be at the forefront to make this happen.

For further reading: John 3:16;11:49-52; Acts 1:8; John 14:16-17; Roms. 10:14 Ezekiel 3:17-18; 1 Sam. 15:22-23; 1 Cor. 9:16-17; 2 Pt. 3:10-11; Isaiah 5:14; Roms. 1:14-15; 1Tim. 1:13,16; 2:4; 2 Pt. 3:9.

You can fellowship with us @ Kingdom Power International Christian Praying Centre, 65, Oluwatedo Road, Cele Road, Isashi,  Ojo, Lagos State.

The last word of Jesus Christ to believers is so sacred to toy with. His last word should reverberate in our ears and move us to act before it becomes too late. Think about His last word over and again and do the needful.

For further reading: John 3:16;11:49-52; Acts 1:8; John 14:16-17; Roms. 10:14 Ezekiel 3:17-18; 1 Sam. 15:22-23; 1 Cor. 9:16-17; 2 Pt. 3:10-11; Isaiah 5:14; Roms. 1:14-15; 1Tim. 1:13,16; 2:4; 2 Pt. 3:9.

You can fellowship with us @ Kingdom Power International Christian Praying Centre, 65, Oluwatedo Road, Cele Road, Isashi,  Ojo, Lagos State.

For details of our programme, visit us @www.kpicpc.org. You can also follow us live on Facebook @kpicpc & YouTube @ kpicpc.


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