Evans opts for plea bargain on murder, kidnapping charge


The convicted billionaire kidnap kingpin, Chukwudumeme Onwuamadike (popularly known as Evans), alongside his co-defendant, Joseph Emeka, has opted for a plea bargain.
The prosecuting lead counsel, Mr Yusuf Sule, disclosed this yesterday before Justice Adenike Coker of a Lagos High  Court, sitting in Ikeja. At the resumed proceeding of the case, which was scheduled for re-arraignment, Sule told the court that he was aware that  the defendants had applied for a plea bargain.
However, the prosecuting counsel said  the plea bargain terms were being  considered by the Attorney-General of Lagos State, Mr Lawal Pedro.
When the case was called, the defendants’ counsel were not in court.

The prosecution then told the court that the defendants’ counsel were aware about  the re-arraignment, stressing that he spoke with Evans’ lawyer , who resides in Abuja concerning the case but he did not know why he was not in court.
However, the second defendant’s counsel, Mr Nelson Onyejaka, entered  inside the courtroom a few minutes later, and announced his appearance.
Meanwhile, the re-arraignment could not take place due to the absence of Evans’ counsel.
The judge said there is no excuse letter from Evans’ counsel for his absence.
She said : “In the light of the amendment charge before the court, the third and the fourth defendants’ names are struck out.”
subsequently adjourned to June 13,  for re-arraignment and directed Evans to ensure the availability of his counsel in the next adjourned date 
Evans and his co-defendants are to be re-arraigned on an amended five-count charge bordering on murder, attempted murder, conspiracy to commit felony to wit: kidnapping and attempted murder.


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