Every woman is a home builder and should carry the family cross — Mrs. Vienna Obianuju Anyim

The yearly Women’s Conference of the Diocese of Isuikwuato-Umunneochi Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion), Aba, Abia State will start from Thursday, July 27 to Sunday, July 30, 2023 at the Christ Church, Ukwunwangwu Uturu, where the president of the women ministry, Mrs. Vienna Obianuju Anyim will address women from all walks of life. The Diocesan Bishop, Rt. Reverend Prince Christian Enyinnaya Anyim will preach on Sunday. In this interview with CHRIS IREKAMBA, Mrs. Anyim spoke on the event and some other issues.

Why is this conference dedicated to women and what do you aim to achieve with it?
This is a yearly event of the women’s ministry of the Diocese of Isuikwuato-Umunneochi. It is a gathering that brings the women together to further seek the knowledge of God and know more about the family from the eye of the gospel.

How far so far since the maiden edition?
The objectives are gradually aligning. This is my second conference as the diocesan president having come on board last year. I am cuing in the feat of the past diocesan president to continue as the objectives of the Mothers’ Union is same in Anglican Communion. We care for the family with all its challenges and concerns.

Why is the conference holding before the Diocesan Synod?
The Women’s Ministry has their own time and season of when to carry out their activities. It is the order of how it was instituted since the inception of the diocese.

How can Christian women complement their husbands in their homes and make their unions exemplary?
Every woman is a homebuilder and need not to be told to join in carrying the cross of the family. A good Christian woman remains the real help mate for the husband as the Bible recorded. She is a strong supportive system and with her help the family prospers spiritually and otherwise. She is to build her home, but if she is not a Christian, she can pull down her home with her hands. She should show love to her husband, children and above all, protect the interest of her home at all cost.

Moral decadence has enveloped everywhere: the church, homes and society; would you say this is happening because parents are not doing enough in this regard?
The fear of God is currently lacking in the world. Despite this, some parents are doing the needful to make their children live aright and not to be moved by the things around them.

How can the right values be inculcated in our children and in other aspects of our lives for a better society?
Let everyone go back to the grassroots; that is the home. Let every parent be real and tell their children the truth about life; most importantly that heaven and hell are real.

What does it mean to be a Bishop’s wife and how has it been?
It is a great task and if not for God and by the sufficiency of His grace, I do think I would have been able to do it. It can only be God because what He cannot do does not exist.

Have you any advice for the women?
In all circumstances, let them go to God in prayers because man fails, but God’s guidance, direction and compassion cannot fail. Every woman should embrace Jesus Christ for whatever reason because it can only be Jesus.
