Exist From Regional Bloc: No official statement from Juntas – ECOWAS


The military juntas in Mali, Niger Republic and Burkina Faso who forcefully ousted democratically elected Presidents have announced their immediate withdrawal from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

Their collective reason was that the regional body has become a threat to member states.
The move came after protracted disagreements over military takeover of government in the three countries.

But the authority of the regional block said no official statement has been received to that effect.

“The attention of the Commission of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS Commission) has been drawn to a statement broadcast on the National Televisions of Mali and Niger announcing the decision of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger to withdraw from ECOWAS.

“The ECOWAS Commission is yet to receive any direct formal notification from the three Member States about their intention to withdraw from the Community .

“The ECOWAS Commission, as directed by the Authority of Heads of State and Government, has been working assiduously with these countries for the restoration of constitutional order.
“Burkina Faso, Niger and Mali remain important members of the Community and the Authority remains committed to finding a negotiated solution to the political impasse.

“The ECOWAS Commission remains seized with the development and shall make further pronouncements as the situation evolves.

Recall that President Bola Ahmed Tinubu-led ECOWAS had gone tough on the coup leaders in Niger, asking it to return power to the ousted President Mohamed Bazoum and went further to impose economic sanctions against the military intervention.

The sanctions as well as other threats unfortunately could not shake the stance of the military junta, especially as he has the support of his fellow military leaders in
Mali and Burkina Faso.

In a statement issued by the leaders of the three Sahel countries, the noted that it was their “sovereign decision” to leave ECOWAS without delay.”

Barkina Faso, Mali and Niger were founding members of the bloc in 1975 and were suspended from ECOWAS with Niger and Mali facing heavy sanctions as the bloc tried to push for the early return of civilian governments with elections.

They described the sanctions as “irrational and unacceptable posture” at a time when the three “have decided to take their destiny in their hands.”


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