Expert canvasses CSEM technology to increase oil, gas exploration

A professor of Exploration Geophysics, Isaac Aigbedion, at the weekend, advocated Controlled Source Electromagnetic Technology (CSEM) and Seismic Techniques for offshore oil and gas exploration in Nigeria and West Africa for better efficiency and optimum results.

He gave the recommendation while delivering the Ambrose Alli University (AAU) Ekpoma, Edo State Faculty of Physical Sciences lecture titled: The Story Of The Hunt: X-Raying Recent Advances In Electromagnetic (CSEM) And Seismic Techniques In Exploration Of Oil and Gas.

Aigbedion stated that CSEM technology was capable of increasing exploration efficiency, as it allows more prospects to be evaluated at a lesser cost while ensuring that the best prospects were first drilled.

He said CSEM has the ability to detect the presence of hydrocarbon field layers offshore, while the seismic technique could help in obtaining high-resolution structural images of the sub-surface, just as rock and fluid properties could also be derived.

Aigbedion explained further that subsurface resistivity information obtained from electromagnetic surveys could help detect and estimate total hydrocarbon volume more accurately than using only conventional seismic data.

He noted that the combination of the two methods would lead to a significantly greater understanding of subsurface properties.

“By integrating Seismic and CSEM data in a staged workflow, limitations of each can be overcome and the strength of each exploited. CSEM has proved to be complementary to seismic and can reduce the risk associated with seal, charge and volume.

“CSEM surveys provide information more directly related to the presence of hydrocarbons. But the greatest success rate can be achieved by using both forms of measurement,” Aigbedion stated.

Acting Dean, Faculty of Physical Science, Prof. Cletus Abhulimen, expressed his willingness to promote work and reading habit in the faculty, saying its Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and e-library rooms were activated under his leadership.


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