Expert seeks compulsory ICT knowledge in schools

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WITH the spread of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), gaining momentum across the globe, the Federal Government has been urged to speedily make ICT compulsory in all tiers of education.

This statement was made recently at an IT workshop in Lagos, by an ICT expert, Temitope Ogunsemo.

Tagged: ‘Creating the future workforce in a 21st century classroom’, he explained that it is now necessary to compulsory ICT in schools for better knowlege on technical terms, especially as the internet has made the world flat because of the easy access to information.

Ogunsemo , who is also the Managing Director, Krystal Digital Ltd., a networks solutions firm hinted that students with IT knowledge would assist to develop the nation making use of their experience and advancement in IT technology.

The workshop, which was for IT teachers in the south west was in collaboration with Microsoft Company based in Nigeria.

He advised that secondary school students should be encouraged using ICT in communicating, teaching and learning in classrooms.

“These will facilitate their learning skills, knowledge and experience in information technology. This is a global world, therefore, there will be need for the youth to meet with global trend,” he said.

He also stressed the need for the Federal Government to make the use of ICT facilities compulsory in schools for teaching and learning. Noting that in spite of its potential in the development of IT education, not many schools in the country had extensively adopted ICT facilities for teaching and learning.

“‘Education has been greatly influenced by ICT, which has undoubtedly affected teaching, learning, and research. Its full adoption in Nigerian schools will have a positive impact on teaching, learning and research”. Adding that recent research had proven that ICT has great benefits and high potential to improve the quality of education at all levels.

He further explained that ICT has the potential to accelerate, enrich and deepen skills to motivate and engage students and to help relate school experience to work practices. Noting that
improved quality of education was essential to the creation of effective human capital in any country.

“The need for ICT in the Nigerian educational system cannot be overemphasised. In this technology-driven age, everyone requires ICT competence to survive,’’ he said.

The Krystal Digital boss also said that plans were underway between his firm and Federal Government Schools in the south west to partner in building ICT infrastructures to enhance the students teaching and learning ability.

He disclosed that his firm in a workshop has trained 18 IT teachers from several federal government schools in the south west to enhance their knowledge with modern technology know-how, stressing that the IT workshop was in partnership with Microsoft Company based in Nigeria.

