Experts task men on financial skills, sustenance

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO), The Man Network and Marriage Coach, Mr. Adeyinka Ogunnubi has urged the men to make themselves available for training on multiple stream of incomes to sustain their families and never to overlook any unresolved issues at home.

According to Ogunnubi, who made this call during a one-day training, organised by Pro-man version group in Anthony Village Lagos.

He said: “Men should define their relationship, goals, vision and plans as singles or as married.  They should take responsibility not pushing the blame to their spouses.”

Ogunnubi advised men to read books on women anatomy, since man and woman are wired differently. Women are very complex in nature they perceive things differently from men. Family background, finance, pregnancy, hormones, career, children, and extended families differences could cause of family conflicts.  

He cautioned families and people to use certified marriage counselors when faced with challenges in relationship or marriages, instead of seeking wrong advice from people who were not trained.

“Women are good home managers and should be appreciated. Since they sacrifices a lot for the families, dropping off their father’s name for you, caring for children, husbands and building a peaceful home.”

He urged husbands to effectively communicate with spouses and display unconditional love to them. Convener, Pro-man version and media expert, Wemimo Adewuyi, said. “Humans are products of nature and nurture, which reflects on how people behave and interact with others; it could be positive or negative behaviours that were carried over from childhood experiences, parents, environment and peer- pressure.”
According to her, couple should know the five different love languages – Act of service, giving gifts, act of affirmation, physical touch and quality time. Since people have different love languages, they should know how to express this love to their better half, parents, children and families.

Adewuyi urged them to change the wrong narratives, read and listen to healthy radio programmes, unlearn and re-learn, display good values and behaviours.

The CEO, The Right Fit Marriage Academy, Mrs. Modupe Ehirim, advised people to embrace self discovery journey, life purposes, know themselves, what they want before going into marriage, so that they do not end up abusing their spouses physically, emotionally or verbally. 

According to her, people should be open-minded to accommodate different beliefs, cultures and traditions of other foreign marriage rites, saying that they should try to know and compare whether these marriages and lifestyles are better than what they know and experience.

“We are now in the 21st century, with different values, exposure, expectations and influences, comparing to the past years. We are living in digital age; people are more sophiscated, educated, exposed and financially stable unlike the olden days. Most of our mothers, women, sisters were limited, unempowered and financially incapable.” 


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