Experts urge govt to improve well-being of persons living with disabilities


Experts have called on the three tiers of government in the country and other critical stakeholders to work on improving the well-being of people living with disabilities.
Convener, Speaking Fingers Network, Treasure Uchegbu, said this during the celebration of International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) recently, with the theme “Building Back Better: Towards a Disability-Inclusive, Accessible and Sustainable post-COVID-19 World”.
Uchegbu, who maintained that no one should be left behind, said when the mind is liberated through good education; the blind will see and the deaf will hear, and with sign language; everyone is included as mental health is mental wealth. 

Federal Executive Member, Nigerian Society of the Blind, Adeola Obagun, appealed to government across board to ensure organisations give five percent employment slots to people living with disabilities, in accordance to the Disability Act.
Noting that promoting inclusion for persons with disabilities meant recognising and protecting their rights, she added that the year had been an eventful and challenging one owing to the global pandemic, which affected persons with disabilities greatly in terms of prevailing ignorance, inaccessible and almost non-existent provision of health, educational or legal response.
Another Speaker, Board Chairman, Save Our Women And Girls Foundation, Dr. Ubong King, said: “There is a need for positive masculinity towards ending gender based violence on women and girls with disabilities; early access to inclusive education and lifelong learning opportunities.  
He said there should be availability and accessibility to government policy, legal aids/palliative for persons with disabilities.


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