Eze urges Muslims to pray for Nigeria at Sallah

Anambra State-born philanthropist and oil merchant, Arthur Eze, has urged Muslims in Nigeria to continue their prayers and support for the President Muhammadu Buhari administration to overcome the current challenges confronting the country.

Felicitating with the Muslims on the occasion of Eid-el-Kabir, the prince stressed that the corporate existence of the Nigeria, which received serious bashing in recent times, was a pivot to a great and prosperous nation.

In a statement by his media consultant, Chief Oliver Okpala, the business mogul urged Nigerians to use the season to recommit themselves to the ideals of national unity and peaceful coexistence. 

He advised Nigerians of all faiths to shun violence, tribalism and hate, adding: “Nigerian Muslims should use this solemn period to present the country’s challenges to God for his intervention, for us to overcome insecurity and the economic issues that have continued to affect the whole world due to the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19).”


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