Factions reunite under new Celestial Church head, Olatoso Oshoffa

celestial_churchAT least three breakaway factions of the Celestial Church of Christ (CCC) Worldwide have reunited with Olatoso Oshoffa, as the new spiritual head of the church.

The factional heads that closed ranks are Paul Suru Maforikan (CCC Ibadan); Josuah Kayode Owodunni (Province Head Superior CCC Lagos) and Dr. S.A. Adebanjo (CCC Ogun State).

Owodunni, who spoke at the CCC Oluwaseyi Parish, Itire, Lagos, said the late founder of the church, Pastor Samuel Bilewu Joseph Oshoffa, appeared to him in separate visions and instructed him to support the Unification Leader of the church, Olatoso.

In obedience, he said they were ready and prepared to join hands with Rev. Olatoso so as to ensure that Celestial Church worldwide unites in one accord again. Owodunni is one of the two surviving members of the Board of Trustees of the Celestial Church of Christ, constituted by SBJ Oshoffa.

It would be recalled that that Olatoso had last month announced himself as the new “Divinely ordained” spiritual head of the church. But his siblings and the CCC’s board of Trustees had flawed his declaration as an act of rebellion.

Maforikan, on his part, said SBJ Oshoffa appeared to him in a vision four years ago and told him to support the Unification Leader, saying he was ready to follow the instruction of his spiritual leader. He promised to instruct all his churches, home and abroad, to support Olatoso.

The pastors encouraged him to continue in his efforts at uniting the church, with a promise to be with him in spirit and in truth. They also promised to attend the burial of his mother, the Mother in Celestial, Elizabeth Oshoffa, slated for August 15, 2015 at Imeko to demonstrate their full reunion with the mother-church.

It would be recalled that Rev. Olatoso emerged the Unification Leader of C.C.C. worldwide after his “consecration” at Imeko in Ogun State on June 10, 2015.

Olatoso, despite criticism and opposition, had moved on with new vigour to carry out his mission for the New Celestial Church and promised to visit others soon.

He had told the gathering of pastors, elders and shepherds of the church at his meetings with them that his main mission was to unite the churc, promising to embark on new projects, especially building a cathedral for the church at Imeko within five years.He also promised making the welfare of all the pastors, elders and shepherds of the church a priority.


