Family, friends mourn hymn composer, Oyedipe

The burial rites for renowned hymn composer, Sir Adekunle Ayodele Oyedipe, KCW, began yesterday with a commendation service at Cathedral of Peace & Excellence, Methodist Church Opebi, Lagos.
Oyedipe, aged 82, was a writer and composer of many hymns, nicknamed, ‘Charles Wesley of our time.’ He was the creator of ‘It’s Time To Celebrate,’ the official hymn for the 170th anniversary of Methodist Church in Nigeria and the composer of the famous hymn, ‘It is time to bid farewell.’
The solemn event saw family and friends gather to pay their last respects to the hymnodist, educationist, composer and former member, Governing Council of the University of Port Harcourt, who would be buried today in Illishan, Ogun State, after a funeral service at Onajobi Methodist Church, Iperu-Illishan road.
In his homily, the Lagos State chairman of Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Rt. Revd. Steven Adegbite, described the deceased as a great song writer.
He said: “Oyedipe’s contribution to music in Methodist Church and Nigeria at large cannot be overemphasized.
“Out of all the people the church has awarded Knight of Charles Wesley, Sir Oyedipe is number one because after he received the award, he continued to work for God and gave us new songs. We are definitely going to miss him. Death will come when it will come, but what is important is where you will spend eternity.” 


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