Fashion Week Kicks Off In September All Over The World In 5 Cities

Fashion season is upon us and excitement is the WORD!!!. It’s really exciting and September kicks it off, we have August to get your fashion week wardrobe in check.

Fashion designers, models and fashion enthusiasts all over the world are going crazy with anticipation. I for one can’t wait to write about the fabulous pieces that would be unveiled.

This is the schedule for fashion season so if you happen to be in any of these cities make sure you attend, or you can pick your struggle and choose one.

We have the big four keeping September really busy, then we have Africa’s most anticipated in October.

This is how fashion week kicks off.


New York Fashion Week

September 10 – 17, 2015

London Fashion Week

18th – 22nd September 2015

Milan Fashion Week

September 23 – 29, 2015

Paris Fashion Week

September 30 – October 7, 2015


Lagos Fashion And Design Week

October 28th – October 31st 2015





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