Father of boy found dead in hotel room wants IG’s intervention

Michael Afeso was full of live until some weeks back when his lifeless body was found in an hotel room in Jonaith Hotel, Ajah. Since then, efforts by Michael’s family to unravel what caused the death of this 24 years old man, who is a computer engineer, have not been successful. When the hotel management was questioned, they initially were not forthcoming, but after a lawyer and the Police were brought in, they were compelled to show the video recording of the CCTV mounted within the hotel.

But the elder brother of Michael, Justine, said that the video clip they were made to view did not show all that transpired that led to the death of his younger brother, as some scenes within the video had either been edited or blurred especially scenes about his brother.

The family of Michael is suspecting one Abass who ironically is a friend of Michael. They claimed that he was the one who invited Michael to the hotel and even paid for the hotel room. Justine, the elder brother of Michael, said the video clips also showed Abass standing by his brother’s car with a lady. The family is however suspecting foul play because initially, the hotel was claiming that his dead body was found in the hotel room after passing the night with a girl. He said that when he and his father demanded to know the girl and sensing that could complicate the girl and give better insight to reveal the real killers of his brother, the story that his brother slept with a girl was changed. This was because in one of the scenes in the video a girl was sighted standing with Abass by Michael’s car, which was parked within the premises of the hotel.

Attempt to get further clarification from the hotel, especially the allegations made by Michael’s family was rejected as the hotel manager, one Mr Irabor, in a phone chat, completely denied that somebody died in the hotel room.

The father of the boy, Mr. Abraham Afeso, said that all he wanted his justice and since he demanded that justice must be done, especially with declining the overture that the hotel should cater for the burial of his son and the issue resolved without bringing to book those who perpetrated the dastardly act, he and his family members were not attended to appropriately by the Ajah Police Station, which was they had to bring in a lawyer, which then requested that the case be transferred to Adekunle Police Station, Panti. But ironically, after few days of initially cooperating, the officers handling the case in Panti are now sluggish, according to the family, in unravelling the killers of his sons, including adequately interrogating all the persons needed to.

Afeso is therefore calling on the Inspector General of Police (IGP) to look into the case, as the officers assigned to the task seemed to have been compromised especially with the slothfulness the case is being at present handled with no concrete drive to ensure that justice is done.

The lawyer standing in for Michael’s family, Alloy Ezenduka confirmed that Michael died in the hotel. “Initially, I was looking at it as a sudden unexplained death because the lawyer that I assigned in chamber to follow it up, and we had to move it from Ajah to panti.”

He also reaffirmed the statement of Justine that the movement of the case from Ajah to panti was mainly because the investigation by the Ajah police was very, very shoddy.

“There was a lot of contradictions in their stories and moreover it is an homicide, and the proper place to handle it is the Federal Criminal Investigation Department, (FCID), Panti. What the DPO should have done immediately he became aware of the matter was to transfer the matter to Panti. That was not done immediately.”

