Smiles speak volumes: Colgate’s “let’s Have a Talk” TVC celebrates the power of every grin

3 weeks ago
1 min read

Colgate’s latest TVC, “Let’s Have a Talk,” isn’t your average commercial. It throws away the script and lets the experts take center stage – children!

These adorable youngsters lead the conversation, reminding us of the simple joy and beauty of a genuine smile. The commercial is a vibrant tapestry of expressions, showcasing the unique ways we communicate through our grins. Whether it’s a toothy grin, a shy giggle, or a mischievous smirk, every expression tells a story and deserves to shine.

It goes beyond mere entertainment. It’s a powerful message for viewers of all ages. In a world obsessed with filters and forced perfection, Colgate celebrates the effortless beauty of every smile.

This approach is truly refreshing because children, in their innocence, don’t overthink smiles. They simply let their emotions shine through, reminding us that a genuine grin is a universal language. It connects us with others, builds bridges, and radiates a sense of confidence and well-being.

But what truly positions Colgate as a thought leader in this message is the subtle connection to oral health by focusing on the joy of healthy, cavity-free smiles, Colgate reinforces their commitment to providing families with the tools they need for strong, healthy teeth. The commercial doesn’t preach about brushing or flossing; it simply shows us the result which is the confidence and joy that comes with a healthy smile.

Colgate found that 60% Nigerian above 35 years of age have lost a tooth or missing teeth due to poor oral hygiene. In Nigeria, we have an attitude where we don’t fix things until they’re broken beyond use. Colgate brilliantly uses kids to remind elders that they need to take care of their pearls. The gapped smiles are a metaphor to remind us that, missing teeth are cute on kids- their teeth will grow back. However, as an adult if you don’t brush regularly, your tooth loss is permanent. In their research, Colgate did a good job in reminding us that a bright, healthy smile is the ultimate accessory, opening doors and spreading joy wherever you go.
