Felix Duke: PMAN is down as a result of greed, stomach infrastructure

Felix Duke

Felix Duke needs little or no introduction as far as the Nigerian music industry is concern. He’s one of the dudes that infused glamour into the Afro hip-hop/raga music in the country.

The soft-spoken Benin-born entertainer in a chat with The Guardian said the acrimony in the Performing Musicians Association of Nigeria (PMAN), is as a result of greed and stomach infrastructure.

His words, “It is a pity that is the situation we found ourselves. A lot of these musicians that resort to sit-tight approach in PMAN because they are no more relevant and they have nothing doing, hence they seem to hang on to that position to be able to feed, and they stick because they do what is known as ‘kill and divide’, anything that comes in to the Association financially they just share it without even thinking about the welfare of the members of the organisation. That is why you see them killing themselves for that position.

“PMAN is down and undeveloped as a result of greed, stomach infrastructure. Whoevers comes in does want to leave just like some of them now who have been there for over six years without doing anything just answer that name, PMAN President to collect money and cause problem here and there.”

He explained that this made him and few like minds to set up the Creative Industry Group (CIG), a consortium of stakeholders in the sector, adding that the group came up as a welfare organisation for the entire creative industry.

According to him, the group came up as a welfare organisation for the entire creative industry.

“We are there as a voice; everybody is just living from hand to mouth. The problem with the creative industry is that there is no proper structure and that is what prompted the establishment of the CIG.

“Under one and a-half year of our existence, we have set up the Creative Industry Estate in Ibeju Lekki, Lagos. The objective of the estate is for everyone within the creative industry to buy a land and have his or her own house. Payment is spread within the space of two and half years, which no developer will give anybody.

“Some months ago, we launched an insurance scheme for stakeholders. We are tired when creative practitioners and professionals have headache it is put on social media under the guise of soliciting for fund supports. The scheme covers life, accident and health,” Duke stated.


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