Femi Falana never threatened to kill me – Mohbad’s father

Joseph Aloba, the father of the late musician Mohbad, has refuted claims circulating on social media that he accused prominent lawyer, Femi Falana, of threatening his life.

READ ALSO: Autopsy did not ascertain cause of Mohbad’s death, pathologist tells court

Following the controversial death of the singer, whose real name is Ilerioluwa Promise Oladimeji Aloba, on September 12, 2023, social media had been abuzz with different rumours about him, his family and the alleged fellow singer, Naira Marley, in his demise.

Several reports online had also reported that Mohbad’s father alleged the renowned human rights lawyer threatened to kill him over the release of the result of the singer’s autopsy.

READ ALSO: Mohbad’s autopsy inconclusive, says pathologist

But, Joseph, in a statement seen by The Guardian on Friday, flagged social media posts with titles like “I fear that Femi Falana and Wunmi want to kill me – Mohbad’s father cries out,” as “misleading” and “entirely falsehood from the pit of hell.”

Joseph said that he “never alleged at any time” that Falana threatened him, stating that he does not believe that “the eminent lawyer” will ever be involved in such threats against me.

He added that he has great respect for the persona of Mr. Falana

“When this allegation was brought to my notice by the lawyer to our family, Wahab Shittu SAN, I spoke to Mr. Femi Falana SAN on phone and clarified that I never made such allegation against him and that this is the work of mischief makers,” Joseph said.

He, however, noted that his commitment to unravelling Mohbad’s death is total and unequivocal, adding that he will not rest until he secures justice for his late son.

READ ALSO: Toxicology results in Mohbad’s death sent to pathologist for analysis


According to him, this public clarification is necessary because he does not want mischief-makers to derail Mohbad’s struggle for justice by bringing his family into unnecessary collisions with Falana or anyone else.


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