FESTAC residents lament police extortion, seek CP’s intervention

Lagos CP, Adegoke Fayoade

Residents of FESTAC town and environs have lamented what they called gross extortion and harassment by police officers in the area. They alleged that the officers mount checkpoints at Durbar Hotel and Apple Junctions, respectively, and forcibly collect money from motorists amid threats of detention.

They complained that the officers perpetrate the act irrespective of whether motorists have genuine vehicle papers or not.They urged the Commissioner of Police, Adegoke Fayoade, urgently checkmate the brazen unprofessionalism.

A resident of Festac Extension Estate, Ben Chukwuma, said he had met the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) on the matter several times but the DPO told him the men were not from his division.

He said: “Everyday, especially on Fridays, I watch with dismay the way these our brothers in uniform harass and extort money from motorists, and I wonder if this is the same police established to safeguard the life and property of the citizenry.

“I have met the DPO, CSP Gboyega Balogun, to complain. He told me point blank that his men can never indulge in such an act because he lectures them regularly, adding that the men are from the police post on 7th Avenue.

“I went to the police post at the said 7th Avenue but the men on duty said the Officer in Charge (OC) was not on ground. It is really disgusting.”
Narrating his experience, a car dealer at 3rd Avenue, Okey Nkemakola, said he fell victim to the antics of the police officers at Apple Junction, adding that he was forced to part with N100,000 before he was left off the hook. He said: “That Friday evening, I went to Ago Palace Way to see a friend. As I was driving back to park one of the cars which I sell, I was flagged down.

“Initially, the police officer was very civil. He greeted me, ‘happy weekend’. I thought of giving him N500. Later, we were joined by two others. One of them queried why I was driving an unregistered vehicle. He asked whether I was sure I hadn’t snatched it.

“I smiled at him and said the car was for sale and that I had just driven to Ago Palace Way to see a friend. All my explanations fell on deaf ears as he barked, ‘Get down for a search!’

“I obeyed and came down. They started searching. They demanded for the particulars. I told them the vehicle had not been registered and that the customs clearing documents were in my shop at 3rd Avenue where I had my shop, but it was to no avail.

“They collected my key and parked the vehicle properly off the road. I was there with them till after 8:00 p.m., begging them, but they refused.

“While there, I watched with discomfiture, the manner at which they were searching people’s bags and phones. Those who they found ‘guilty’ parted with sums of money ranging from N20,000 to N50,000. Later, the leader of the team asked everyone to enter a minibus. Two officers entered my vehicle and we drove off .

“Rather than take us to the FESTAC Division, we were taken to 7th Avenue, a police post. I saw the name tag of one of them was Odion. I approached him and explained everything to him. He said since we had reached the station, I would be charged for driving a stolen vehicle and arraigned in court the next morning.

“For almost 30 minutes, I begged him but he left me for a nearby drinking pub. I was perplexed. When he came back, he said because I had been with them for so long I should bring N200,000 and go with my car.

“I called a friend who sent me N50,000. I went to a POS point and got another N50,000, to make it N100,000, which I handed to him.

“Initially, he rejected the amount and threw it at me. But after some time, he asked me to bring the money and warned that if I am truly a vehicle dealer, I should always have the customs clearing documents in the car. I left the police post at about 10:00 p.m. that day.”

When contacted, the DPO of FESTAC division, Balogun, said the officers were picked from several divisions and put together at the post. He confirmed receipt of several reports about police extortion in the area.

He said: “I am not qualified to speak to you because we have a spokesperson, but this is an allegation rubbing off on all of us, especially my men. Every act of extortion and unprofessionalism is done by men from the 7th Avenue and sometimes Area Command.

“I have complained bitterly on several occasions to the Area Commander about their act. When ACP Albert Afegbai was here, he said I should take over control of that police post.

“But I already have three police posts. I cannot add that to my workload. And besides, these people were picked randomly from different Divisions. I can’t control them.

“He took over the control of the men. But after some time, he became tired when complaints started hitting his desk. Nigerians are very appreciative. If you do your work, the way it should be, you will be rewarded. That is what I sing to the ears of my men every now and then.

“As I speak, the men are on their own; nobody is controlling them. I am making arrangements to talk to our new CP about them because these men are giving all of us a bad name.” As at press time, spokesperson for the state command, SP Benjamin Hundeyin, was yet to respond to inquiries sent to on the matter.


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