FG Commits to ‘e-Government Master Plan 2020’


ADEBAYO Shittu, minister of Communications has reiterated Federal Government commitment to implement ‘e-Government Master Plan 2020’.

The minister stated this yesterday at stakeholders’ engagement workshop on e-Government Master Plan 2020 held in Abuja.

He describe the Master Plan as a tidy road map for integrating governance in Nigeria, into the post-modern global ICT age for the purpose of matchless efficiency, accountability and transparency; which, as experience in the developed world has proven, is the exclusive reserve of the carriage of governance on the ICT platform of modern technology.

This present administration of positive ‘Change’ is keen on delivering improved government services to the citizens of our great country for the purpose of leading the country into a new era of growth and development.

In the light of the positive ‘Change’ mandate and policy thrust of this administration, therefore, we as stakeholders in this crucial area must see ourselves as essential co-workers with the administration in the task of empowering the administration and its workforce with one of the most potent tools for it to deliver the promised positive ‘Change’ to our great country.

Positive national ‘Change’ in today’s ICT-driven world is virtually impossible without competence and efficiency in e-Governance. The benefits of speed, propriety, best-option, transparency, accountability and mass-participation in Government are available only via the e-Government framework and platform which make it a sine qua non for meaningful and sustainable political and socio-economic growth and development.”

He said that the workshop is to reinforce the e-Government Master Plan 2020 with improved awareness and expert finishing touches that will lead to the best plan possible for marrying governance in Nigeria with ICT.
“With technology evolving at an exponential pace, and with its relentless self-integration into various facets of our daily and national life, it is vital that governance, the most important aspect of national life, must not be left behind”.

He added that by 2020 and beyond, Nigerian public office holders must, at the click of computer buttons, be able to deliver the concrete dividends of democracy to Nigerians.

“By 2020 and beyond, government, at the click of computer buttons, should be able to collate the ideas of millions of Nigerians as prompt and invaluable input in policy evolution and development. By 2020 and beyond, government, at the click of computer buttons, should be able to accurately monitor in real-time the amount of crude oil and gas that is being taken-out of Nigeria every day. By 2020 and beyond, government should be able to pay pensions electronically to pensioners without their having to stand endlessly in queues. The list goes on and on,” he said.

He explained that the purposeful implementation of e-Government in Nigeria will deliver such dividends as: Cost savings, resulting in efficiency in service delivery; enhanced transparency and accountability; improved public administration and economic development; and the growth of the ICT sector, leading to more employment opportunities for Nigerian youth.

The e-Government Master Plan 2020 developed by the Federal Ministry of Communications is designed as an essential Blueprint of modalities and protocols for the adoption of e-Government best practices, across board, by all Federal Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs).

