FG going tough on fake news, Malami warns journalists

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FRCN boss tasks media on free, fair credible polls in 2023

Ahead of the 2023 general elections, the Attorney General of the Federation (AGF) and Minister of Justice, Abubakar Malami, yesterday, warned journalists against being used by purveyors of fake news, even as he stated that the Federal Government had mooted a legal framework to check the menace.

Addressing a conference organised by the National Association of Judiciary Correspondents (NAJUC) and themed, “The Judiciary and 2023 General Elections: The way forward,” the AGF cited an instance where it was reported that he had resigned from office.

His words: “With the 2023 general elections approaching, I hope this conference will address the practice where journalists would be conscripted by agents of destruction to spread false information about personalities and issues. Unprofessional media practitioners have been reporting untrue and fabricated information against public officeholders.

“Many public officers have been victims of malicious media reports, mischievous and deliberate distortion of facts. No doubt, the media is important in shaping public opinion, but hate speech and fake news challenge our cherished and collective culture of peaceful and harmonious co-existence as a people.

“You are journalists in the justice sector because Nigeria exists as an entity. We cannot afford to spill the beans on account of the mischievous actions and inactions of some who claim to be journalists.

“There have to be consequences for the conduct of journalists that offer themselves to conscription by agents of destruction that make it their stock-in-trade to spread fake information about personalities and issues. Effective legislative framework may be a considerable option.”

IN a related development, the Director-General of the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria, (FRCN), Dr. Mansur Liman, has charged the media to ensure that the 2023 polls are free, fair and credible.

According to him, though the nation is passing through challenging times, “we should therefore play our role as the Fourth Estate of the Realm, as impartial arbiters to ensure that the forthcoming general elections are conducted in a free and transparent atmosphere.”

We, in Radio Nigeria, are committed to this.”

He spoke at the 10th anniversary and foundation laying of the ultra-modern studios and transmitter hall of FRCN, Prime 101.5 FM on Mount Patti.


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