FG launches North East tech story board

The National Office of the Technology Acquisition and Promotions (NOTAP), yesterday, launched its Technology Story Board in the North East in Gombe State to aid science studies in primary and secondary schools.

Director-General NOTAP, Dr. Danzazumi Ibrahim, highlighted the essence of the parastatal, an offshoot of the Ministry of Science and Technology, to the North East states of Gombe Yobe, Borno, Taraba, Adamawa and Bauchi.

“Technology Story Board is an educational and instructional tool aimed at planting the seeds of science and technology at the basic education level to ultimately produce critical mass of highly skilled manpower needed by the country for future technological and economical development.

“The initiative is intended to arouse and sustain the pupils’ interest in science and technology at the basic education levels for breeding the future technical workforce needed to transform and modernise the Nigerian economy,” Ibrahim said.

Noting that most students/pupils are familiar with many finished products, he regretted that the processes they went through remain a mystery to them.

He said: “It was noted that for most of these products, the raw materials and the final products are both well-known to children in Nigeria, while the manufacturing processes remain mystery.

“NOTAP developed the concept in close consultation with many manufacturing companies, which resulted in the development of the Technology Story Boards.”

Gombe Commissioner for Science Technology and Innovation, Dr. Aishatu Maigari, is confident that the state stands to benefit greatly from the story board.

“The technology story board will definitely go a long way in enhancing critical thinking in our children and bridge the gap between society, academia and industry, especially at a time the governor declared a state of emergency in the education sector,” she said, describing the effort as a successful collaboration between the North East states and NOTAP.

Governor Muhammadu Yahaya, represented by his deputy, Manasseh Jatau, emphasised his commitment to educational development, especially science studies in schools at all levels.


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