FG, NBRRI urge Nigerians to invest in bamboo technology

Bamboo. PHOTO: pinterest.com

The Nigerian Building and Roads and Research Institute (NBRRI) want Nigerians and investors to buy into the bamboo technology because of the multifaceted socio-economic value that can be derived from the plant for construction.

It advocated the utilisation of bamboo technology as end products for climate change mitigation, eco-friendly resources for industries, economic diversification and job creation and for the overall development of Nigeria.

At a workshop held in Abuja, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (FMSTI), Mrs. Monilola Udoh, said: “In line with this, they have established Research and Development (R/D) competence in the production and utilisation of products and technologies.”

Udo also stated that the development would help to forestall environmental degradation, improve the economy and create sustainable livelihood and jobs. She added, “As a party to the Paris agreement on climate change, Nigeria is committed to the goal of reducing Greenhouse Gases (GHG) emissions.”

According to her, when complying with the resolutions from the COP 27 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which informed all countries to start implementation of their climate pledges and actions, bamboo is a versatile and sustainable material with a lifespan of over 75 years.

She further emphasised, “products technology would not only reduce the nation’s reliance on fossil fuels but would also help Nigeria fulfill her commitment under the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) which entails cutting emissions in seven strategic sectors of the economy.”

“The Federal Government has approved the conduct of the National Technology Action Plan for climate change mitigation and adaptation in Nigeria’s most vulnerable economic sectors and presentation of the National Technology Action Plan (NTAP),” Udoh said.

“As we engage in these discussions, it is important to remember that our goal is not just economic growth, but sustainable development which at the end will produce policy options on the use of these emerging technologies, create an in depth knowledge and grow the business sector.

“It is fast-growing, strong, lightweight, renewable, and has a wide range of applications in construction, furniture, handicrafts, textiles, and many other industries in the production of variety of products and uses,” the Permanent Secretary remarked.

Earlier, the Director, Environmental Sciences and Technology, Dr. Patrick Ekweozoh reiterated that the plant it has been recognised by the UN Convention on Climate Change as an environment friendly plant that is non evasive, protect the quality of the soil and at the same time can offer means of sustainable livelihood for people.

Ekweozoh said: “We develop it into furniture, house and it can be processed as a means of plant that people can use to do plantation where to harvest woods for furniture and for other purposes in the environment and that is besides providing aesthetic in the environment.

“Equally, we can process bamboo to have seats, rag, towel and as roofing sheets, for road constructions and flooring and in that the FMSTI has a number of agencies that have focused research on the bamboo technology like NBRRI and the Research and Raw Materials Development Council.

He argued that they are interesting in the work of the agencies and to be able to come up with a bamboo laminated structure that we can use in roofing and ceiling and also use it as floor tiles and that informed the ministry organising the workshop because it is the duty of the Ministry to promote commercialisation.

The director, therefore, called on stakeholders to come together to explore the latest advances in bamboo technology, see existing products from bamboo technologies and in addition, share experiences and knowledge about how best to harness this resource for the benefit of Nigerians.

“Some years back the Federal of Environment had signed MoU with a private firm from Malaysia that wanted to commercialise bamboo and add value to the plant and ensure it becomes a major trade in Nigeria. What we did was to carry out indigenous research.”


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