FG to avert strikes in varsities, decries academic disruptions


To avert incessant strikes and disruption of academic calendar in the nation’s tertiary institutions, the Federal Government has commenced talks with the various unions on how to ensure peace on the campuses.

Education minister, Prof. Tahir Mamman, while highlighting the activities of his ministry since he came on board, said the government has begun to build trust with the unions to avert any strike action.

While expressing concern over epileptic delivery of academic activities Mamman said government has engaged in informal consultations with the unions and has begun to build trust with the many resolutions it has reached.

“No Nigerian would be happy with the incessant disruptions of academic calendar in our tertiary institutions due to unresolved agreements.

“Under the administration of President Bola Tinubu, we engaged in informal consultations with the unions and have begun to build trust as exemplified by the resolution of some issues,” he said.

One of the resolutions, the minister stated, was the 35 per cent increase in salaries of workers in the nation’s tertiary institutions.

He added that the payment of four months’ salaries from the eight months the unions were on strike in 2022, showed government’s determination to ensure that they begin to trust the Federal Government.

Mamman mentioned other resolutions as the exemption of tertiary institutions from the Integrated Payment and Payroll Information System (IPPIS) and allowing the institutions to fill vacant positions.

“The ministry would work with the minister of finance and office of the head of service of the federation to ensure a seamless implementation of the above issues.

“I want to sincerely appreciate the uncommon understanding the unions have shown for this administration and assure them that we will soon implement all the above. I want to apologise for the two unions we are yet to interact with and assure that we would do so early in 2024,” the minister said.


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