FIFA bans Tahitian football head for eight years

Reynald TemariiFIFA on Wednesday banned Reynald Temarii, General Director of the Tahiti Football Association, for eight years for breaking the world body’s ethics code by accepting more than 300,000 euros from former Qatari official Mohamed bin Hammam.

FIFA said Temarii accepted 305,640 euros from Bin Hammam, who was then a member of the FIFA executive committee and the AFC president, to cover the costs of his legal expenses in the context of an appeal against a previous ban imposed by FIFA’s ethics committee in November 2010.

“Mr Temarii received the money in January 2011 following a meeting with Mr Bin Hammam in November 2010 in Kuala Lumpur,” FIFA said in a statement after the ruling by the adjudicatory chamber of the independent FIFA Ethics Committee, chaired by Hans-Joachim Eckert.

Temarii was banned as of Wednesday “from taking part in any kind of football-related activity at national and international level for a period of eight years”, FIFA said.

Oceanian ex-football chief Temarii was previously suspended by FIFA for his role in the bribery scandal that rocked bidding for the 2018 and 2022 World Cups.

In November 2010, FIFA’s ethics committee banned Temarii from FIFA’s decision making executive committee for one year and fined him for ethics violations, following a Sunday Times undercover report on vote-buying during the race to host the World Cups.

Russia and Qatar won the right to stage the 2018 and 2022 World Cups in a secret ballot by the remaining members of FIFA’s executive committee in December.

But the process and outcome

