Find an artiste to grow with”- Music producer Seyifunmi Michael advises aspiring music talent

Talented music producer, Seyifunmi Michael has urged aspiring producers to seek out artistes to develop alongside, emphasising the abundant opportunities present for music enthusiasts in the country. With a deep understanding of the industry’s dynamics and a wealth of experience gained from his own journey, He emphasises the importance of dedication, collaboration, and continuous learning.

In a recent interview, Seyifunmi Michael highlighted the significant benefits that the music industry offers to society and advocated for musicians to deliver their best to enhance its growth. He underscored the crucial role that producers play in achieving this objective, emphasising the importance of finding an artist to grow with as an aspiring producer.

“Find an artist to grow with as an aspiring producer. It works”, he advises. “Continue to learn together, grow together. Keep the grind going. It might take a while for some, for others it won’t.”

Drawing from his personal journey, Seyifunmi shared how he was able to grow alongside Adekunle Gold, a collaboration that began in 2015. “That’s when I started working closely with Adekunle Gold,” Seyifunmi recalled. “We started a band together, and we sang together. But, production started fully when we were working on the first album.”

Seyifunmi’s journey with Adekunle Gold serves as a testament to the power of collaboration and dedication. Their partnership blossomed into a fruitful creative alliance, with Seyifunmi producing a significant portion of the songs on Adekunle Gold’s debut album, the GOLD album.

He stressed that he was privileged to work and create with people that wanted to grow as well. Following his journey closely, you can see testaments of the outcome of his admirable advice to the upcoming passionate people exploring the music industry. And as he seeks to do more, he holds on strongly to the little moments that have led to this level of fulfilment with more promising opportunities in view.

Aspiring music producers can draw valuable lessons from Seyifunmi’s journey, including the importance of searching for the right collaborators, dedicating oneself to continuous learning and improvement, and embracing the grind with perseverance and determination. By following his advice and staying committed to their craft, aspiring producers can chart their path to success in the dynamic and ever-evolving world of music production.


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